It is the most frightening thing that exists. It keeps 90% of my coins off the exchange.
I'm showing moderate growth in my exchange account, but not enough to merit the risk of being light on bitcoin when this thing erupts...
I don't understand this mentality. A jump to any sort of high level of price is going to take days and weeks and months. Why not ride it up when it's going up and down when it's going down? There's always time to jump back in.
If you don't have the time or desire to pay close attention to the markets, then buy and hodl can be a decent strategy. I don't know, it just makes me nervous going to sleep with a trade open.
I'll try to explain.
I'm in a bit of an awkward position. I live in Canada. I'm a miner. The only reliable withdrawl method I've found is cavirtex. They charge me 1.5% per trade, so if I try to trade too close to the edge, I will get burned.
However, the fiat withdrawls are fast (1 or 2 days) and directly into my bank account; the withdrawls also incur only a flat 6 dollar fee. So, I guess I'm trading as more of a hedge than an opportunity.
A miners life for me
cuz you're fucked if you don't get the trade right.
i do the same thing, i eat the 1.5% fee because if i get knocked out, at least i can withdraw with ease and comfort
i guess you can wait until the spread between btc-e and virtex is tight and use BTC to transfer the funds.... is it that headache worth 1.3% , not to me.
Well said. Also, the high fees give virtex a substantial incentive to pull no shenanigans. Top quality exchange, though a bit small. That btc-e place always gives me the heeby-jeebies when my position grows too large.