I agree there are worse beers, but those I don't even take into account.
I take Heineken as entry level for everything that's beer and in that section it's rock bottom.
I do enjoy beers from all over the world! The Netherlands for example has "La Trappe" for those that haven't tried it, I highly recommend it! Even in the USA you have a couple of excellent microbreweries!
Germany typically thinks they have decent beers, but 90% of what they brew over there is pure water with little to no flavor.
Nah, the Belgians only *think* their beer is that great. Know what their problem is? They don't know what a good, mellow tasting Pilsner is. All of those Trappist quadruple-malty-thick-as-molasses beers can suck my ass
That's exactly what I meant when I said "Heineken is a decent"... It's a decent beer in its category. And I'm not surprised to hear the beer
Sure, if you like your beer the consistency and taste of raw sewage, you like Belgian. If you are, like the great nation of Germany, first and foremost a lover of greatly balanced Pilsners, you'll pass
Troll-y enough?
Troll-bait successful!
Not only do we have the best triple, quadruple Trappist! We also have the best pils by far! Stella, Jupiler, Even Maes! > All trashy pilsners!