It's ostentatious a la WallStreet. I can live off of 1 BTC for two or three months down here in Argentina.
Don't throw 50 away ! It makes me cringe..
You a gringo ex-pat or native of the country? I have been contemplating an eventual escape somewhere cheaper....Thailand, Argentina being front-runners.
You will live as a king here.
We have the luxury of european cities, and the finest women & wine in the world.
Insecurity and financial mayhem are certainties though. Being in BTC you're hedged of at least one of those.
EDIT: And the MEAT. Best meat in the world.
If I go there for a visit will you show me around?
Only if we buy a Lambo and we then cruise around town throwing Casascius coins out the windows
But seriously, of course !
Do visit, you'll love it.
Ask any the big btc names, they were all here last week on the first South American conference (full packed place btw).