Didn't you say BTC was done for? What are you still doing here?
I'm sorry, you're right, unless I'm a bull trying to pump BTC to all time highs as much as possible I shouldn't be here.
You are either here because you want to see bitcoin succeed, because you want to gloat when it fails, or to make as much money off of other people while it fails. You are clearly not here because you want to see it succeed, and are deplorable for either of the other two reasons. Go away, and please let the door hit you on the way out.
I am here to try and gain perspective into why people think that bitcoin is such a solid investment. In the real world there is no such thing as guaranteed returns, yet so many people here are applauding every time a man sticks his entire retirement fund into bitcoin or a kid who has been saving up for college hears about how bitcoin can double his money in a week decides it would be a good idea to put in all into bitcoin. You welcome these vulnerable naive people with open arms. It is you sir who is deplorable.