If you wonder why bitcoin is going up, it's because it's Swedens national day today, and bitcoin loves Sweden (and hates Russia, as do every normal person in the world).
Do normal people hate entire countries of other people ?
I must be abnormal.
I no more hate russian people than I hate Swedish people, or Ukrainian people, and as for their governments.... I think all three of their governments are likely 80%+ full of complete and utter assholes.
Whether true or not, Arriemoller didn't say normal people hate Russian people at all, but hate Russia (the country).
A country is generally defined as
"a nation with its own government". I asked google.
I'm hoping you don't hate Russian, Swedish and Ukranian people though, that was unclear
Yeah that is the reason I specified/differentiated between , people of, and government/state.
I think most governments, perhaps all, are full of assholes. I do not hate any nation
of people. I think most nations,
as in the state, the government, are as bad as each other, and some worse than others.
As an example, do I think that the nation state of Russia is any better or worse than the USA ?
no, because I remember. I clearly remember the mass hypnosis machine whipping the masses into a frenzy when Iraq wars started, and in the end, the things that the US, the UK and the allies did in Iraq, were fucking disgusting, no better or worse than what Russia is doing in Ukraine.... literally none, if anything, Russia possibly has a better argument to make, since Ukraine is literally on their doorstep... (ie arguably directly in their legitimate "sphere of influence") unlike the wars fought in the middle east by the western allies.
This whole "hate russia" thing , is just fucking lame.... the latest in the woke virtue signalling bullshit.
I find it so curious, that, the death toll in Yemen, is far higher than in Ukraine... and, the west, the UK, USA,
actively support, financially, logistically, with weapons and intel, the Saudi regime... and our fucking taxes pay for that shit, and there is no overwhelming international condemnation, no questioning, no sanctions, literally
no fucks given. ....and no, it is not excused by "but their skin colour is different, they don't look like us" which is puke inducing bullshit, which unbelievably has been proffered as an "excuse" for the double standard.
It is precisely this double standard bullshit that makes the whole thing a massive embarrassing charade.
Anyways, the world is ready and cued up for the next mass hypnosis woke virtue signalling exercise, as the world has already largely grown bored of the ukraine saga, it is destined for the who gives a fuck heap just like the Syria conflict ... people are fickle, and bored of it now..... NEXT !!!
To be clear, wars are bad, always bad, never good. I wish the war would stop, and that Ukrainian people and Russian people can get back to some semblance of normality.
To be double clear, this Ukraine war didn't just pop out of nowhere, and its not all "putin has a brain tumour/he must be insane/Russia is evol" , mainly it is people who picked this crap up as their latest hot woke potato, that see it that way imo.
Some of us, have had a feeling this was on the cards for a very long time, and there is nothing random or surprising about it.... and, I am afraid, that not
all the "blame" lays with Russia, as is very clear to anyone that has been following this for the past decade....
I am equally unimpressed by the Russian, Ukrainian, American and British and other, governments , and equally disgusted by the consequences of their actions.
I see zero moral superiority of the USA government over the Russian government for example... none.
A war crime is a war crime, no matter if the USA carries it out or the Russians.
If there was some honest intellectual consistency over the whole thing I would perhaps be able to take the outrage/cheerleading more seriously..... but there isn't, and I can't