Is this a real video ? or fake ? i saw similar video with mr. Saylor on some other hacked youtube channel
not claiming mr Saylor hacked someone, but i though some people used his video and added the shit with "send x, get double x back"
i am really suprised to see such thing (send x, get 2x back) being promoted here, by person with more then 1000 post
There are many such videos, supposedly live streaming interviews with Musk, Saylor and others, claiming there is a giveaway of the usual "send x, get back 2x" type of scam. I've just reported one of them to YouTube, but then realised there were others too, live streaming NOW. I hope they are taken down soon.
Come to think of it, perhaps such videos are serving a greater purpose. Because, if one can fall for such scams, he surely does not deserve to own any Bitcoin now, does he? Semi-joking, of course, but it still amazes me how anyone would be willing to send any amount of BTC to some unknown website and seriously expecting to double it. Funny thing, Bitcoin already does that (to its value) by simply HoDLing it.
We have bitcoins because we count on mass adoption, in mass adoption there will be many people who will fall on "tricks", so we cant think "if you were tricked into such simple scam you dont deserve to own bitcoin"
You don't really seem to understand bitcoin, if you believe that it is dependent upon the greater fool. You are going to stay poor if you keep thinking bitcoin to be the way that you characterize it to be.
I rather think its better to help so there are less scammers, not less "fools who fall for scam".
You must be mixing bitcoin up with the concept of "crypto."
Even though there are scams that are going on with bitcoin, I doubt that it is productive to focus your energies on such.
Even satoshi had recognized that if bitcoin was going to be successful, there would be a lot of snake oil salesmen type products.. and copy cats.. so there is no real way to completely escape scams that might be happening around bitcoin...
In any event, you seem to be focused on fringe ideas, if you think that is the crux of the problem in bitcoin.. You seem to be focusing on some negative narrow aspect without even attempting to counter-balance in some kind of way...
One hour later after we discused on youtube video, it was removed. Small small scam removed, but hey it was removed i guess more people here sent complaint to youtube. All that happened before the last hour pump.
Maybe the whole internet should be shut off? That might help to stop scammers. If we shut off the internet, then scammers are going to have to go back to scamming in old fashioned face to face kinds of ways, right?
So dont be afraid to try to help remove scam sites, on long term they are always bad, they put a stop on bull runs, sooner or later some big scams make some impact and hit news and then things get down, and some people leave crypto for ever, thats not good.
I am glad that you have benevolent goals.. even though your use of the term crypto is misplaced..
If you had not noticed we are not talking about "crypto" here... This thread is about bitcoin.
So if anyone can complain and help remove as soon as possible the same scam video from hacked youtuber page of Nathaniel Bandy that would be great (on puprose i will not post url here, you can find that very easy)
Some people hacked into Nathaniel youtube account, he has 1 million followers. I cant believe after so long time youtube didnt remove yet the scam video
Why should we give any shits? There are all kinds of scammers out there? What are we? What have we turned into? the scammer patrol?
If only someone could have predicted this ~2 days ago? Oh gawd...
First off, you are back to your sorcery wanna be proclamations.. and you actually believe that you had predicted an upward BTC price movement? Get the fuck out of here with that twice a day clock is stopped stye of a vague-ass prediction (at best).
Regarding your image, I appreciate the tradition.. but it is starting to look like an ethereum kind of a contraption... rather than bitcoin... but hey.. creative minds can certainly vary.
[edited out]
Thanks for reply and thanks for "edit" part. The video posted here (the one that was already removed) wasnt so harmfull becaus it primary reached audience here.
But there is identical same video, posted i think 21 hours ago on Nathaniel Bandy hacked youtube channel. Until 3 hours ago i never heard for this dude. Like i figured in last 3 hours he was hacked 1 days ago.
What troubles me the most is if i put "bitcoin news" into google, the scam video apears in top 10 (probably it doesnt apear in all countries in top 10 result), which means that scam sht can rip a lot of people.
If anyone can report that one it would be great. The nathanil gaming page before hacked had over 1 million subsribers
Of course, you do you.
I suppose if you have good intentions, then it is more difficult for me to be making fun out of you, and at least you are not bashing on bitcoin, too much in these days.
On the other hand, there are all kinds of scams on the internet and more and more creative ways for people to get scammed, and even if you believe that kind of behavior reflects badly upon bitcoin, I doubt bitcoin gives any shits... People are either going to figure it out or not.. there are ONLY so many things that any of us can do, and that is all upon you, if you believe that it is one of your possible life passions to save bitcoin from the scammers.. in that regard, you will surely have full time employment for the rest of your life, if that happens to be your goals.