He just said EXACTLY what I see maybe coming.
1. Interest rates go up.
2. Markets digest this.
3. Shit begins to hit the fan.
4. Bitcoin gets hammered, going down with other risk assets.
5. Here we go... end of the world as we know it. People on the streets... crazy.
6. Bitcoin goes CRAZY up.
*Sigh*. I do not want this way...
"I have been at this for 47 years. I have never been as concerned about the future as I am now. Because when all else fails, they take you to war."
Gerald Celente has been an uber bear for ever, I don't find him credible.
I would be glad for you to be right, and him to be chicken little.
One thing still bugs me though. I am NOT a doom and gloom bear. In fact I am an optimist to a fault. But I have always seen a little farther down the road than most people. I would assume that is true of many here. In my older age I am making a little money because of it, and keeping my family safer.
In DEC/JAN 19/20 I was telling a guy I work with that there was a pandemic on the way, but the scary thing would not be the disease (hopefully) as much as the second order effects. I bet if I were not lazy I could find a post here from around that time saying basically that. What I saw as the second order effects were things like financial system collapse... small businesses going away, and supply chain disruption. That type of thing.
But recently I have been realizing that is just the tip of the iceberg. I was also generically worried about war... but I did not exactly see how we get there. Thing is now that's becoming a little more clear to me.
I will share just one little realization that has been haunting the f&*$ out of me over the weekend.
IF we continue to keep seeing footballers, and tennis players having heart attacks on TV, and more of us have friends taken out randomly by heart attacks and strokes eventually the genie will be all the way out of the bottle. I think we are already there. It's just a matter of how bad does it get.
People on one political side are calling for the Nuremberg code to be invoked. Well if it turns out those people are right. This event will cause THE BIGGEST setback for modern medicine in our lives for sure. MRNA tech could be the delivery mechanism that leads to a cure for most cancers.
But it will be decades... many decades before people trust medicine, pharmaceuticals, the media and governments again. And some people who are not fans of these things might say "Good let em burn". And in some ways I am one of them. But the cost will be great. Not only in the lives of people who were led to their own deaths by a machine chanting "trust the science" (a phrase that is a perfect distillation of the OPPOSITE of science). But more will die waiting for that cure for cancer that may also be coming later because the the destroyed trust in out systems, and institutions.
Not to mention the inevitable war we will see...
I am probably a worse bear in this regard than Celente.