@jjg-well, you can have ALL wishful thinking if you want it..peak in october..no, peak in november...no..peak in december...no, it is now Feb or March or September of 2022.
Scientific method suggests that you don't move the goalposts, but analyze the available data.
I am not sure if I have ever met anyone as full of shit as you. #justsaying.
You really come off as quite disingenuous sometimes, and maybe worse sometimes than others. You points above might be one of the times of your great disingenuine moments.. even though you have had several similar nonsense moments.. so maybe it is not fair for me to rate your ongoing bullshit points..
Think about it.
You are trying to attribute some kind of lame argument to me about bitcoin being on a schedule, and I have been battling against those kinds of ideas for more than a year.... probably several years. probably since near the beginning of my forum membership (or at some point that I figured out that honey badger no care).
Of course, I do appreciate the 4-year fractal, but even my appreciation for that idea (that way of overlaying BTC prices) does not cause me to argue that bitcoin is on any kind of an exact schedule, or that BTC's price performance has to conform to the various time parameters contained therein.. so in that regard, let's say hypothetically, if it were to take 5 years for a 4-year fractal to play out, that would not necessarily break any of my conceptions of the benefits of considering the 4-year fractal that happened to take 5 years. Sure maybe at some point we might have to start calling it something else? The 6 year fractal that used to take 4 years, or the lengthening of the cycle, but until the data is in to come to those various reframings, there seems to be no justification to give up on the knowledge or the guidance that the earlier models seem to provide, especially if they had not yet been invalidated.. as you like to get so excited in trying to assert so much nonsense because you seem to prefer to tethered to nothingness or chaos in order that you can spout out your own fantasy detached from reality framings (if we are so charitable as to acknowledge some of your nonsense as such).
The data suggests that S2F is off the rails. Nothing personal.
Why would I give any shits on any kind of personal level. Yes, I have asserted that S2F is amongst the best of models, and S2F is even better if it is coupled (or would we say complemented?) with the 4-year fractal (yes redundancy) and exponential s-curve adoption based on network effects and Metcalfe principles.
You can proclaim that it is broken until you are blue in the face, and you are just showing either your own purposeful ignorance regarding what it is or your ongoing disingenuineness in terms of spouting out nonsense.
Regarding the "other" thing-if you (or anybody else), personally, want this board to be overran with endless virus or political musing, so be it, but you WONT LIKE it.
I, personally, don't care about seeing the opposing opinions as i have a rather thick skin, but it seems that some people here are easily triggered when they see something political that they don't like. Namecalling ensues.
I am more receptive to any virus-related discussions that at least attempt to tie it to bitcoin issues.. and surely bitcoin issues are widespread, but if the post is not at least attempting to tie the virus discussion to bitcoin then it becomes harder to see it as relevant..
Regarding the name calling, sure it can be irritating if the name calling seems to be the ONLY purpose, but I would not consider the namecalling matter to be as problematic so long as it is weaved into substantive discussions, so in that regard, sometimes a bit of name calling can be helpful for emphasis... and especially pointing out when some posters seem to NOT be presenting issues in fair or accurate ways... and some folks seem to NOT even be trying, sometimes.
I am not going to proclaim to be above some of the gratuitous fun.. so even some of the most professional forum members do sometimes engage in a bit of childish behaviors.. not going to name any names, even though I do have some members in mind (besides myself).
But, shit, let's go ahead and ruin this place for everybody with endless politicos and virus.
Let's make it another twitter or facebook /s
Seems to me that the place has improved over the years, and it seems to me that we have fewer notlambchop types.. Yeah, there are some notlambchop types, but the whole thread seems to have quite a bit better abilities to put out pretty decent bitcoin discussions, and even weaved through off-topic matters, but we surely seem to be suffering way less from shitcoin talking points and infiltration than a lot of other threads.. or forums.. ...
I do understand that there are quite a few folks on twitter who proclaim that if they are able to formulate a decently curated twitter following (or who they follow), then they are able to get some really good on-topic experiences through that, so I am not even proclaiming that there might be some ways to get more honed and better experiences, even though I feel this thread is pretty good.. and surely the virus is not a shitcoin, so it has way more relevance to this thread than any shitcoin discussion... so there is that, too.