This is someone making excuses for being a no-coiner and trying to dissuade others from getting into Bitcoin by suggesting it requires special skills and knowledge of how it works.
Austrian School of Economics (insert laugh or snigger here)....
This Early - I've been in since $67
I'm a farmer for fucks sake.
Special skills - rearing livestock, growing crops, shooting a 3" group at 500 yds.
Simply buy at any price whenever you have spare fiat, and hodl.
Interesting to see a few 'real' farmers here, not just hobby guys into BTC. I am fourth generation farmer, corn/wheat/beans/cattle. I have the appropriate skillsets also, Farmer Bill. We have seen a few hobby farmers that would putter on a few acres, but had a job in town. Our saying used to be "If you're not making a living from it, it's just a hobby farm".
Nothing wrong with having fun in the dirt, but it's not the same as decades of debt, and your income dependent on weather/govts/animals.
Takes a fellow farmer to know, debt, no guarantee of income, 365 days a year, (livestock do not recognize weekends or Christmas day).
Fighting livestock to get a drench down their throat, growing crops with an ever dwindling number of treatments available to fight pests and diseases. Ever changing legislation.
Would I change this? not for anything, it is a way of life rather than a job.
I like the constant challenge.
I missed listing one skill - how to skin a turd.
You cannot waste money like a government official and need to do your own repairs, maintenance and be inventive.
Hopefully my Bitcoin will allow the farm to stay intact when I die, with one of my offspring taking on the farm and the other two taking their share of inheritance in Bitcoin.
Hobby farms seem a big thing in Europe, with heavy subsidies to keep nonviable small farms working to prevent depopulation of rural areas. So an engineer may work in a factory, but milk a few cows or goats before and after their days work.
Good luck to the hobby farmers, there seems a lot of people have a need for some contact with the land, even on such a small scale as growing a kitchen garden, or a few plants to smoke as many on this forum seem to do.