If this carries on dumping, I may ask Bob for a job as a farm hand on his ranch. Either that or Mcd’s.
Really hope the bottom is in & we get back to 60k ASAP.
I thought that we were "on track?"
Last time I checked I was poor as fuck with only $10k per BTC a mere 14 months ago, and now I got around 5.8x in pure profits. What other investment can you do that and also have a certain amount of confidence in terms of both UPside potential and downside protections?
Even though I do have inclinations to check the BTC price quite a bit more frequently than I should.. and maybe the reason is because there is some level of curiosity regarding if some kind of thing might be "happening?" such as "it's"...
But in the end, feels good man.
I recall in late 2015 (talking November/December here) and early 2016, I felt a kind of zen even when bitcoin was bouncing between about $350 and $440 for largely 6 months.... and there was a kind of relief in which I felt that I had largely done the right thing, even if my portfolio was ONLY a wee little bit in the negative, but since I had established (or would it be "improved upon?") "my system" there was a kind of feeling that the mostly $250-ish bottom was "in" and that it would be smooth sailing here out because any kinds of profits, here on out, were kinds of "icing on the cake."
I am not even saying that I hav not been nervous since late 2015 to mid 2016, but relatively speaking my level of concern has been able to come down quite a bit with the ongoing icing on the cake that we have been experiencing and the ongoing sense of "being right."... we are right? we are right, and does not even matter about the BTC price because it is all icing on the cake once we get above $450-ish....
Now, I am going to concede that:
1) my costs per BTC have likely largely gone up from $500-ish to $1k-ish (and if my costs have not gone up to $1k-ish.. that is the number that I am going to use).
2) other peeps got into bitcoin at different costs than me, so their level of zen - in terms of at least being at break-even and surplus value (profits) is going to differ from my own.. .. lot's of ways to compare where we are at as compared where we expected to be at, where we hoped to be at and whether are hopes/expectations are putting too high of expectations into areas that are somewhat (or even considerably) outside of our own control.. I would not want to be basing my own level of happiness in areas that are overly outside of my own control..
3) I do appreciate that I was able to kind of get to a quasi-level of zen (not saying that I was completely unhappy before late 2015) in a around 2 years from my entrance into bitcoin. I understand that many of us have recognized that there are a decent number of scenarios in which it could take a lot of normie BTC investors/accumulators/HODLers around 4-year investment timeline in order to both establish a bitcoin position and to even feel a kind of psychological level of having had done the right thing and even financial profits (even assuming that some normal level of mistakes were made along the way.. not talking about the outrageous gambler and shitcoiner and leveraging mistakes which are likely beyond reasonable levels of mistakes from my perspective). So I appreciate that sometimes when getting into bitcoin there could be some inopportunism in terms of the part of the cycle that the normie BTC investors/accumulators/HODLers might have gotten into bitcoin.. but in that sense I am kind of expecting a certain level of resilience and sturdiness in which any normie BTC investors/accumulators/HODLers should be able to get his/her mental and financial shit together by the time going through a full 4-year cycle and should not matter at all at what point s/he got into bitcoin (sure there may well be exceptions to this assertion),
but we gotta have some standards in terms of NOT being wimpy snowflakes, no? In other words, get a fucking grip, peeps!!!!!
By the way, I am not even really describing getting to richie or fuck you status because those are higher levels as compared to just getting through the first four years should actually allow the vast majority of normie BTC investors/accumulators/HODLers to be able to get to some kind of decent financial and psychological comfort status... now in terms of either richie status or fuck you status, that is going to vary.. and sure there could have been some reasonable abilities to get to either richie status or fuck you status after a couple of cycles, and again seems that mostly exceptions (or more luck or more aggressiveness or better circumstances - spare cashflow beyond normie status) would be getting to one or the other such richie or fuck you status(es) prior to 2 cycles.
Oh, he's asking about the WO cult of hats...
Wall Observers Should have hats? Do you guys have any regulatory organizations or something like that?
Perhaps something lost in translation, even though your English language skills are excellent, but
The vast majority on WO shun regulatory organizations, they cause most of the shit that happens to self reliant, independent people in the world by attempting to remove that self - reliance.
How about working towards being your own boss, that's the best boss you can have.
I think he was thinking the hats are like official badges or something like that.
Really, they're just hats. Hats are cool. And they are a lot more cool if xhomerx10 designed them. WO regulars tend to like his hat designs... As well as observing bitcoin price charts, playing "where-am-i" occasionally, creating haiku's (traditionally on sundays), bashing shitcoiners, beggars and scammers.
hahahahaha.. funny how some benefit of the doubt is given.. and yes there can be some irritation when some of us consider that the underlying message has devolved into a kind of merit begging.. yeah maybe can be a bit bothered by some of that, but I speculate that some members use the little "hat" topic to rank up.. maybe even before they might deserve it.. ---- even though quite a few times some of the more mature members do "grow out of" some of their seemingly desperate behaviors.. and no need to even mention names here..