As if investor distraction by non fungible bullshit and shitcoins in the count of thousands wouldn't be enough
I'm grumpy, not because of the happenings, but because the fucking car will actually set me back a good $1200 (more than twice as much than i expected),
and i'm heavily undersexed (EDIT: #nohomo)
Gotta catch some positive vibes tomorrow, or the whole day may
be fucked as well
OHNO! Are the mini-oom's suffering from a bit of seasonal allergies???
Quick better give them each a couple Benedryl so they can rest soundly and sniffle free! 😜
(User warning, may cause extreme drowsiness, unless mini-oom's are classic ADHD/Hyperactive, in which case Benedryl should be exchanged for original formula Sudafed... but NOT that that ephedrine free crap)
Edit: Auto-incorrect dropped my "Not"
What the ...?
I understand the words, but i don't know what you mean. I tried a couple of times, but it didn't click.
[[Can't get the quote right, but YESTERDAY you said:]]
EDIT: Mrs. OutOfMemory just went undressing. See you tomorrow, guys Grin
But then the little one woke up from a bad dream Roll Eyes
Tonight it's a different thing. As it also was yesterday (compared to the day before ( - repeat a couple of times -) ... )
I'm just getting a wee more grumpy because of lack of xxx, but i wouldn't tranquilize my four year old
If it was that simple, it would be easy, though
The car repair sucks the most.
But anyway, life's good,
Wait, car repair was a brake issue right? I mean, you got pads ($50) Caliper ($150) worst case scenario rotors ($220) otherwise it's just a total of 4 bolts (once the wheel is off) and a bit of well placed grease. 45 minutes work,, tops.. How does this get to be over $500? (Me thinks your mechanic might be trying to pay for their kids braces... Jest sayin') You got a jack and a set of box wrenches? I can talk ya through it...
Just got the final call from the mech.
The pads are $60, all four discs about $300 (superb quality parts, because mountain area), two (possibly defective) calipers didn't have to be replaced in the end, so no brake fluid change needed, but the handbrake cable had to be replaced (requires to remove all rear seats). Totaled
$995 including work and material and the yearly mandatory check (about $90).
Values are converted from EUR, so prices are also a little higher than in the US.
The mech is trustworthy and doesn't replace parts that are not really needed to be replaced, opposed to the car manufacturers service workshops, which also charge about 25% more per working hour.
I'm OK with that, but i rather would have put $600 into the recent dip
Number go down.
LFC’s car game go up - New ride.
[car porn image]
also a new ride - thanks
BTC [better car porn image]
Wow congrats man! Looks nice is that an S6?
a better one - s7
It has to be a van for me next year, with at least 150HP (Diesel).
On the other hand, i don't want to sell my trusty old minivan with all four breaks almost new so early...
EDIT: I love the car, but it tends to need workshop visits a little too much and six people need quite a lot of space and torque.