One of the statements above is false. Sweden in fact does have mass Covid vaccine rollout.
Around half the population, which is comparable to some of the "antivax" states in the US and significantly lower than the most vaccinated locations.
It's great the vaccines exist because they seem to reduce number of deaths in those aged 70-80 and over. (That SEEMS to be the case, the real test will be this coming winter in the northern hemisphere) However vaxing a 12 year old with what is a vaccine that has not had multi year long investigations for a disease that mostly does no harm in youngsters seems COMPLETELY ridiculous to me.
At least temporarily. And having to re-inject a vaccine that comes with significant side-effects I see zero evidence that prophylaxis and early treatment wouldn't be overall safer for at-risk demographics. Though I would certainly be happy if everything available worked as advertised.
Vaccine passports also seem mental. Not sure what the fuck is going on in Australia and France. They seem to have lost their minds.
Dystopian power grab. This is no longer coNsPirAcY theOrY but evident truth. I hope the vaccinated in Italy burning their vaccine passports out of solidarity won't be the minority.
If not we're all in deep trouble, "The Great Filter" comes to mind.
But why did the case load drop off in India without mass vaccination where this variant started? Why did bodies stopped floating in rivers?
To your second question. They apparently never did, at least not due to Covid. That was an issue that existed long before in India.
For your first question. As far as I'm aware, India started using Ivermectin just like Mexico. I haven't dug into India because there's enough data available for IVM even without it, but that could potentially explain your question (presuming the claim is correct).
More importantly how do we move forwards at this point.
Try to share the truth as far and wide as possible.
I'm at my wit's end though. Good friends, including some with PhDs in natural sciences from the most prestigious universities in the world, operate strictly based on emotion and all sorts of other logical fallacies when confronted with data, peer reviewed studies and contradictions in legacy media reporting. And that's assuming I can even get them to look at the facts.
People appear so ridiculously afraid of being labeled tinfoil, antivax, lizard-Nazi that they shut down any objective discourse.
The only way to stop that is by converting as many as possible and preying for exponential networking effects to win over the propaganda before it's too late.