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Juan, no i do not have 10 $ at the end of the Month to spend on Bitcoin.
That's what happens when you spend your entire wage on hookers & blow....
Wait a minute, serveria... don't tell me that I have been trying to work with this loser, aka eXPHorizon, and he just has no ability for self-control.
Deferred gratification is a thing in bitcoinlandia, but there can be some ability to live much moar better once establishing a decent base of value and BTC holdings.
I have always been of the theory that life style can be increased as wealth goes up, so probably in the earliest years of BTC accumulation there is the most need to live frugally, but if the goal is to get to $2million, there can be increases in living it up as the portfolio becomes more valuable. Something like this:
Less than $10k - pretty extreme frugality
$10k-$20k - continued but lesser frugality
$20k -$100k - somewhat frugality
$100k-$250k - overall prudence
$250k-$750k - prudence and buying extra nice things from time to time
$750k-$2million - no problems treating yourself regularly
$2 million - $4 million - (comfortably in fuck you status) stay within your budget, but you don't have to work anymore and there should be a considerable amount of an ability to relax because you should know your budget from having had gotten here
$4 million plus - (double and more of fuck you status) you could likely double your life style.. but it is up to you because you are pretty comfortably in fuck you status.
I know this description is a bit lame.. but just attempting to address the idea that the splurging comes later and increases with greater levels of wealth and thinking that reaching FU status would be a decent part of the goal.
That's what happens when you spend your entire wage on hookers & blow....
I am in this situation exacly because of them, i lost all my Fortune because of the Cocaine Addicts.
You are responsible for your own situation. Of course, each of us start with limitations, so I am not going to blame you for having 100x less than other guys, but I am going to blame you for failing and refusing to take prudent measures to help yourself.. such as something modest enough as investing into bitcoin at $10 per week.
You can Clearly see Jays Personality, he has 1000+ BTC and is harrasing a person with no money and quite enjoying in it.
I clearly said aspire to 0.21 BTC first, and work your way up. Clearly I am inspiring kind of guy, and you are a horse/donkey who will not drink dee water - you dumb horse/donkey.
In the olden days we used to aspire towards 21 BTC, then later we began to aspire towards 10 BTC and then later 2.1 BTC and then 1 BTC and now 0.21 BTC.. These are starting point aspirations, and you gotta do what you are able to do.
In terms of your being a no coiner, you are fair game for anyone to tell you that you are a lost puppy (mixed metaphor, but that's fine especially with a no coiner who don't know nuttin).
Imagine people, you harrasing a person who helped you build up your Fortune.
If you are referring to ur lil selfie as "helpful" you better be more specific because the evidence remains quite contrary to your assertions.
Very Clever and fulfilling aint it ?
Well, yes. If no coiners do not either learn how to get their shit together, then they might as well be denigrated and told to fuck off because they are not contributing. The evidence seems quite overwhelming that you fit such a category, and I am quite surprised that forum admins allow you to hang out with us, because the evidence (your own behaviors) show that you are a disingenuine dweeb who fails and refuses to help his lil selfie and therefore is likely setting the worst of examples, not even counting your begging part and your other earlier lame attempts to shill scams.
Thats why he is doing this, he cant help him self but to spread only hate and misery.
Only dweebs like ur lil selfie deserve such rath. You fail and refuse to take any actions or set any good example... hard to even find any value in that...beyond showing what not to do.. and that is not very helpful in the whole scheme of things because we already have plenty of those kinds of examples in this here world of ours.
This is his only rule in life
You are exaggerating. I have other rules in life, too.
This just shows what kind of a person he is.
You are talking about my avatar, right? Not my IRL, right?
Not that your opinion matters.. but perhaps if you were to clarify, you might start to appreciate why your continuing as a no coiner causes inabilities to relate to forum members (including regulars on this thread) and also showing your own lack of credibility or good judgement whether referring to your stance regarding BTC or some other topic such as what avatars on the forum are like or might be like.