I am not sure I can teach you the whole concept of thermodynamics in a reasonable amount of time in this thread.
That's fine. I believe my o-level and a-level teachers and the lecturers that contributed to my physics degree have you covered.
Then why ask? And I am not particularly impressed with degrees bragged about on a internet forum to be honest. All I am getting from quite a few of you is that you just want to argue. I am done at this point. Zero sum game.
Good night.
... nobody is getting argumentative except you, when you got called on the bogus "earth is a closed system" claim ... probably the original sin of that quasi-religious pseudo-science know as "climate science"
Its all good...I dont want to be more of a dick than I already have. Fuck the maths of it all and just go outside and look around...really look. Things are changing...things have changed just in my lifetime. I have seen it with mine own eye. How many species have gone extinct the last 100 years...how many tons of toxic waste has been dumped into land fills and our oceans? How many extreme weather events happened over the last 20 years? How many glaciers have melted affecting water supply..how much have the polar caps melted affecting the jet streams? Putting a stick in a pot and stirring things around and expecting no noticeable effects is ludicrous in my opinion. My whole point was that I think we can do better. Plain and simple.
... and here you've engaged in another of the green marxism misinformation tactics, conflating many different pollution problems, some real, some ill-perceived anecodotes, into a mish-mash of "the earth is ending, zomg!" to justify some crazy idea that shutting down C02, CH4 emissions will 'cool' the warming 'earth' ... a) it's not proven it is even warming particularly that much recently or b) that it is due to increases in "greenhouses gases" and by how much and by which percentage of the gases that are anthropogenic.
... Earth has always had extreme weather events, statistically the last 20 years are not particularly unusual in the recorded history, which is exceedingly short, and the geologic record suggests there have been far greater extremes in weather
... the meteor that hit the Yucatan penisula and wiped out the dinosaurs sent a tidal wave 1500m high! into the south coast of the USA and sent up a plume of debris into the atmosphere that blocked out sunlight for 10 years ... want to explain how relatively dangerous humans are to the earth's closed system is again?