So, there were FUD rumours about tether and amazon on some of the mainstream media, including the usual suspects coindesk. Someone supposedly said tether has no back up or amazon is not ready to implement Bitcoin. Daa! Everyone knows tether is not 100% backed up by USD, so what? And Amazon is only beginning to study the possibility of implementing Bitcoin by hiring up a specialist. This will take a few months to state the obvious - Amazon needs Bitcoin, not the vise versa. All this only shows that the Wall Street shorting companies have a strong ally in some of the mainstream media like bloomberg, reuters, etc. Yesterday the high leveraged shorts were popping up like popcorn and at the time when the low leverage shorts mostly in CME were endangered, the "news" appeared almost simultaneously. Some spokesman from Amazon "supposedly" said the news were not true, although they were true.
And if someone thinks the integration of Bitcoin is a nothing burger, think this. When someone wants to buy with credit cards some items, there are numerous limitations by the card issuers. There is a day limit, a week limit, a monthly limit, and other obstacles which prevent the users from buying more items. Imagine the hassle of someone buying goods for $10K+ going to many banks, transferring money to multiple cards with limits like $2-3K and so on. I personally, would have bought 10x more items on amazon if I had the option to use bitcoin. When I had to buy for a short time many gpus, I used 2 credit cards. It seemed transactions were made, but then I received a message they were denied. Some limits activated and I couldn't unblock the cards for weeks. Finally, I had to make calls to my card issuer, explain the situation, call amazon support, until the items were canceled and the money refunded. And this happens all the time with new variations like the laughable 3d secure thing.
Anyway, let's hope this 10% insta crash from the yesterday high $40 500 will not deepen and endanger the continuation of the bull run. As some love to say: the next few days will be critical
Edit. After further investigatin the amazon thing, my suspisions were confirmed. It started with an article in coindesk just when the price hit 40K (surprise, surprise!) claiming they have received an e-mail (!) from a spokeperson (!) denying the rumours but confirming the interest in Bitcoin payments (!). Then reuters and others repeated the "news". You know, I can write an e-mail too double confirming the news and denying the denial. Coindesk are well known "professionals" who have nothing to do with shitcoins
or shorting hands
(actually, we need a bigger wink:)