You would think that after the whole "from 'Bitcoin Jesus' to 'Bitcoin Judas' " fiasco, the community would learn that lesson.
But oh no...
The world has an endless supply of fuckwits, sheeple breed at a phenomenal rate, a bit like cockroaches, and the Banksters have beguiled them with "Crypto" the so called next big thing.
All these shitcoins are nothing more than FUD tools, to be utilised to discredit and distract from Bitcoin.
Elon is just another of these Trojan Horse "good guys" that apparently are anti establishment, but really as evidenced by history are just another privileged cunt speaking with a forked tongue.
Yep, it's not like the old days and never will be again. If we want adoption we have to put up with idiots. At least those idiots will now be protected from government/CB printing though. That is, when they eventually stop selling.