It is religiosity. People who leave traditional religions (or are raised without them) usually find a modern substitute. theymos has his transhumanism, for example. Hereby lately, I have also been ignoring a quasi-religious theological war between the Marxist wealth redistributors, and the Reformed Capitalists who repose their faith in the godliness of the free market; there is not much sense on either side.
Veganism is attractive to those with Puritanical tendencies, such as those with a prior history of demanding the deletion of the Wall Observer. It is based on self-denial of things that are healthy and pleasurable. It is loaded with thou shalt not. Meat is sinful. Vegans now even have a doomsday eschatology: Cow farts are literally destroying the world!
Cf. my previous observations on Greta Thunberg and the Children’s Crusade.
Now, take a walk through the religions of the past and present, and see how many more or less deprecate the eating of meat. Comparison and contrast is left as an exercise to the reader.
You do understand that without meat you wouldn't exist or if you would, you wouldn't be able to put together an intelligent line of words?
Fact check: He can’t put together an intelligent line of words. Evidence is above.
Vegans, as most liberals and other religious fanatics, are evolution deniers who believe in human exceptionalism.
The cat hunts mice, the wolf hunts deer, the lion hunts gazelle—but o talking monkey, thou shalt not.
In truth, talking monkeys are only exceptional inasmuch as their brains swelled up until they became stupider than other animals.
Yawn. It will be back up. Hey, didn’t I say that Bitcoin is boring (and that’s a good thing).
Thank me later for the increase in discord brought by my innocent little quote from the founder of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute. Meat is totally on-topic in any Bitcoin thread!
All issues of plant eating good and meat eating bad are bs.
All vegans need to abstain from fucking.
They can do blow jobs muff jobs hand jobs and rim jobs.
If every vegan was sincere they would see the truth in the statement above
THEY could save the world by not making it crowded.