By the way, I did listen to that podcast between Laura Shin and Saylor in the end of January when it came out (
here's a link if peeps want to listen to the whole 1 hour and a half thingie), and sure Saylor did end up lecturing Laura a bit in regards to some of her seemingly trader rather than HODLer thinking.. so there were some seemingly hostile times during that interview, and maybe it did kind of show that Laura might have been under-appreciating the power and importance of bitcoin through her ongoing attempts at journalistic objectivism.
I hadn't listened or watched that interview, thanks for that link. Here's the YouTube video:
Why Bitcoin Now: Michael Saylor on the Best Way for Companies to Buy Bitcoin - Ep.209I found Saylor was his usual entertaining self, trying to simplify the various concepts, and making them more digestible for Laura and the Bitcoin newbies in the audience—which is a good thing, and Saylor is pretty good at it. I think he was a bit repetitive at times, reiterating the "thermodynamically sound monetary network" line, and the points about electricity, running water and Venezuela. He did come out as trying to persuade her to a degree. "And, by the way...this", "and, by the way...that"...
Laura came out as the happy Bitcoin semi-noob, with a pinch of evilness, when she kept mentioning about "Bitcoin reaching a bubble/peak", "when to sell", and overly laughing at times. She has a pleasant personality, I like her. I didn't get the impression that she has a deeper anti-Bitcoin agenda or anything like that, but rather, that she has the typical reservations and skepticism that anyone trained in the traditional monetary system would have. To her, the crypto space is just a new, hot thing that will increase her exposure and audience, will add more Twitter followers and viewers/listeners to her interviews and podcasts, but I don't think she really fully grasps the gravity and importance of Bitcoin and how it will transform the monetary system in the near future.
It's always great to listen and watch Saylor educating the masses about Bitcoin. In retrospect, a careful listener could have even guessed Tesla's $1.5 billion Bitcoin investment announcement that came about 10 days later. I believe this interview will forever haunt Laura Shin, when the time comes when she will see in awe and disbelief that Bitcoin has exceeded $10 trillion market cap, and Apple, Google and most of the big players have bought in.