if someone (he) calls himself a bunny and shows a female face as their avatar, that's just not nice as far as gender identity signaling is concerned, but, whatever, Jayjuangee could be a female too, for all I know.
However, I found a reason for my thinking about bunnies and females (apart from that english link):
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playboy_BunnyPlayboy bunnies got stuck in my head...that's why. Those bunnies were not men for sure.
However, I would henceforth refer to @JJG as 'she' to balance the equation...The "lady" doth protest too much, methinks.
I will henceforth refer to Biodom as stalled.
girl, please arrive at a point that has any significance.
That one surely has significance.. cannot you even remember your own proclamations about
bitcoin being stalled at the top of the price range.. and you cannot remember how ridiculous your own statement?
I am just sticking with your own
unable to control ur lil selfie bearish proclamations and using them against you.
That is all.
Actually, now you seem to simply make things up.
The search with "stall" of my posts comes with nothing-all I can see is your two tongue twisting posts.
Don't make me have to go back and look.
Gurl, YOU are the one who is bearish-always selling when btc goes up and accumulating useless fiat,
That's bearish? Or is that a system that established and largely sticking with it and tweaking it from time to time...
Maybe, in spite of my many posts on the topic, and even my attempts to specifically explain dee situation to uie poo-ie, you are continuing to understand the various concepts. .... must be on purpose or perhaps you just have a very thick and stubborn lil head that refuses to understand certain concepts that are not within your predetermined concepts about how dee world works.
while I mentioned that i would not sell bitcoin (probably ever).
Ok... that supposedly makes you less bearish than me?
Perhaps does that also make you a better person than me, too?
I was not sure (besides, perhaps the dude) that we were having any kind of competition in regards to who can be the most bullish of the bulls.
Is that bearish for you?
I don't know. I doubt that I really labelled you as a bear, but maybe sometimes I say things that hurt ur lil feelings and cause you to feeew as if I am suggesting that you are too bearish when in reality maybe I just said something else.. which may also suggest that sometimes you are spouting out bullshit that either seems bearish or kind of like FUD spreading.. but whatevers.. does it really matter? I though that we be trying to talk about substance.. and my reason for asserting you as the "stall guy" largely has to do with your use of that term or maybe a similar term that means the same damned thing.
Opinions on movings up and down are just that, comments.
You feel overly criticized in that regard? If you proclaim something, and then I criticize you for you proclamation, wouldn't that be fair content? If I call you the "stalled guy" because you suggested that we might be stalled, wouldn't that also be fair? even if you might be sensitive about that?
I don't try to buy the dip because I am already constantly buying.
Nothing wrong with that. I got a system too. Wanna hear about my system?
By the way, not to be too repetitious, but doesn't it seem to you that guys are going to employ different variations of whatever it is that they are doing whether accumulating, maintaining or liquidating and even if they might be damned close to the same in a lot of the individual circumstances, they still might end up playing one part or another part of their ongoing practices and strategies in differing ways. I doubt anyone is criticizing you in regards to your various interpretation of strategies, even though somebody like me may well have been and continue to criticize you in regards to your assessment, especially if I perceive it as a kind of FUD spreading that may well cause some folks to be mislead about some aspect of bitcoin or its price dynamics..
Seems to me that part of the reason that we are here participating in this thread is to share ideas and sometimes disagree about ideas, and sure it is up to you if you want to take some of the matters personally or whatever.
Report some nice land or another property purchases like others did-then, we would are talking some sense.
There is no need to report a purchase of land in order to demonstrate that you are for real or that you have actually profited in a real world way.. blah blah blah..
More nonsense from you.
By the way, I am considering a thread topic.. and surely, I will likely express a decent amount in hypothetical ways.. and we have some differing concerns about potential OPsec issues, but maybe also we have differing concerns about the extent to which dick measuring needs to be real rather than just making up numbers, including the extent to which any of us are actually banging 10s rather than 4s, 6s or even if we might not be in such a place in our lil lives because we already happen to be a gurl - which we can surely
all agree to NOT be a good thing, right.