Such a great feeling to go out shopping, come back a couple of hours later and realise that while you were out you made 400 times the money you spent shopping.
Man, next time I'll be buying a few more things...
Onwards & upwards!
You must have done some serious shopping, AlcoHoDL.
I was careful enough not to reveal specific amounts, but yeah, shopping takes a whole new meaning for a Bitcoin HoDLer. I just buy what I want. I don't look at prices. I'm not talking about extravagant stuff, but before Bitcoin I used to check the prices to be sure I'm in my budget. Not anymore.
I have noticed that trend in myself, too. It is not like I have been poor for a while.. I started to feel somewhat well off and gravitating towards less and less concerns about sticker price in 2010.. but the trend continues in that direction in greater and greater degrees. Just the other day, I was missing a kind of gadget from the house that brought utility and convenience to me. I was not sure where to get that gadget that I had been using, so when I was out on my walk I was stopping at stores along the way and asking about such gadget, and there was a bit of seeming confusion from store owners about where to get such a gadget, so I ended up going to a BIG box place, and they had the gadget, but they only had one version of the gadget which was about 3x the price of the version that i had been using, plus they had some accessories for the gadget that were also overpriced by 2x to 3x because I had figured out that I could get all of those for way cheaper - but that would cause another trip and maybe even one or two days without such gadget - so I just said "fuck it; I don't care. I want that gadget and I don't want to wait one day or even one more hour before getting such gadget"... so even though the story is in my head, it is a kind of behavior that I would not have done, probably even last year I would have made the multiple trips and NOT spent as much on such overpriced (but nice) gadget.
The good thing is that I'm not into luxurious (read: expensive) stuff, so anything I need is now well within my reach. That's what I meant by "peace of mind" in my earlier post.
I do believe that the luxury thing is a kind of evolving (or might we assert "devolving"?) consideration because it is likely that the longer that we are "richie" we become more and more desensitized to some things that we might have previously considered snobbish, spoiled or even irresponsible behaviors of just throwing money around.
I had a kind of "friend" pestering me the other day about some matters that would have irritated me a lot more previously in terms of some "treats" that I could buy her, and I gave almost no resistance to her irritating desire to use me as an ATM, and I said o.k. Let's go get those "things you absolutely need," and almost amazing how "happy" she was for a couple of days.. even though hardly any skin off my back, relatively speaking I did not even really mind very much... and probably 4-5 years ago, I would have not spent money in that way, and I probably would have been a bit bothered by being solicited in that direction.
Oh, that reminds me, I had another "friend" who wanted to go shopping with me, and she had some particular items in mind that she "really needed." I just made up some various excuses because I did not want to go shopping, and I also made up a kind of reason that she needed to receive the money (because it was "very important to me too" blah blah blah), and then I gave her like twice the amount of money that she told me that she would need for such item(s), and at the same time, I was "saved" from going shopping... still funny about the whole situation.. and really not any kind of inconvenience for me.. maybe less inconvenient than going shopping with her and then trying to figure out how to keep her within budget when in this case, in current times, the amount felt like pocket change to me, but more than double of what she was expecting...
The only thing missing (apart from the pump to $1M) is being able to buy stuff directly with Bitcoin.
Might take some more time to develop more of those easier liquidation avenues.. who is to say about how long? 5 years, 10 years, 20 years? Some of us will be dead or close to dead in 20 years if not sooner (not naming anyone here)..
I'm selling almost every day (DCA) to pay for our lake.
We started with regular cars, then lambos, now ranches and lakes...soon whole building blocks and/or villages, then islands, maybe asteroids, planets, stars, etc
You missed out my favourite from the list I'm looking forward to most; the gentlemen's club.
What is this, GTA?
I was careful enough not to reveal specific amounts, but yeah, shopping takes a whole new meaning for a Bitcoin HoDLer. I just buy what I want. I don't look at prices. I'm not talking about extravagant stuff, but before Bitcoin I used to check the prices to be sure I'm in my budget. Not anymore. The good thing is that I'm not into luxurious (read: expensive) stuff, so anything I need is now well within my reach. That's what I meant by "peace of mind" in my earlier post.
The only thing missing (apart from the pump to $1M) is being able to buy stuff directly with Bitcoin.
Always a little wary as not caring about the price of things is how so many with new-found wealth lose everything. A jetski here, a Merc for your friend(s) there and soon, your accountant is telling you some bad news. It's good to stay grounded but on the other hand, I could probably be spending a little more for things that need it.
Buying stuff directly with Bitcoin is out for anything under around 2k with fees right now but if you don't mind indirectly, Newegg takes them through bitpay and works well. I've even seen a scattering of companies willing to roll the dice with LN.
What's nice about some things like, for example, namecheap, and you want to have a domain last a long time, you set aside some BTC from a year ago, put it in a separate wallet, then only withdraw what you need to pay for the renewal next year. You do end up paying a bit more in terms of BTC, but it's as if you've already covered payments for several years into the future.
As for your own personal stash that you are constantly withdrawing for spending purposes, I'm pretty sure most people would (or should) be looking the numbers to see that it would last them for the rest of their life, at least in 30 year time periods, according to how much they are spending now.
Being careless about spending is what leads to problems and disasters. Must watch where the money goes, maybe not all the time, but in general you have an idea if you're still good or need to make adjustments.
I can assert from personal experience that it's quite possible to spend carelessly and recklessly, relatively speaking and still be "incapable" of losing your wealth because you already understand budgets and how they work, and for example, if I were to fuck away 10% (or more) of my bitcoin value on all kinds of bullshit and frills, it could be lots of funzies for me and even appear quite irresponsible blah blah blah from the viewpoint of others.. but it does not even come close to the levels of making a dent in the overall appreciation of value or even come close to the irresponsible behaviors of some of the newbie rich who have no fucking clues about how to manage money and to live within their means.
For example someone who buys a lambo for close to $500k, but ONLY has $1million.. and those levels of stupidity do not so easily come to those of us who have earned our wealth over many years whether that be less than 10 years for some of the guys here or more than 30 years for peeps like me... so for example, some peeps like me might not buy a lambo unless s/he has 5x or 10x the value of that rather than a mere 2x or even taking out debt for consumptions goods like that without the having the actual physical wealth (of 5x or 10x the value) that could be used to buy it (if wanted).
I suppose if I were to buy a plane and a yacht and some other things like that, then those kinds of purchases could be problematic for me, but surely I don't roll like that.. and we have not really talked about how much you would need to have a plane and a yacht.. and surely those would be surplus items with the considerations of a 10 year budget for owning them so similarly needing to have 5x to 10x the value... rather than merely 2x or some more paltry amount with desires to appear richer than you really are.. but even buying a lake would likely be way more prudent than some of the other luxury items that might cost around the same amount but have high as fuck maintenance, upkeep and depreciating value costs.