Stablecoins means we can convert directly into a stablecoin via a dex from our BTC and pay for stuff wherever they accept Mastercard. At some point seamlessly via LN.
This is gentlement.
Mastercard was one of the first ones to jump in bed with facebook and their libra/diem
Using our deep experience in payments technologies, we look forward to continuing these partnerships with governments and helping them explore the best ways to develop these new currencies.
Added to this work, Mastercard is actively engaging with several major central banks around the world, as they review plans to launch new digital currencies, dubbed CBDCs, to offer their citizens a new way to pay.
With 89 blockchain patents granted globally with an additional 285 blockchain applications pending worldwide, we already have one of the payments industry’s biggest blockchain patent portfolios to draw from to make these projects successful.
They're trying to pass shit sandwich CBCDs to public in the "crypto" wrapper. Their next step should be to hire Faketoshi as their spokesperson. It's a dinosaur trying to fight a meteor, the only good thing i see here is exposing masses to "crypto" concept after which people could jump on to the real thing
Edit: we all know how great that Venezuelan CBDC petro turned out right ... right