Yeah, I mean think about it: F2Pool is also an open pool, not a single mining entity, correct? If so they have to divide those coins among the various people. They don't pocket all of the coins made, that's the whole point of a mining pool (unless it's a serious scam). So while the pool may have mined a million coins that doesn't mean the owners of the pool have a single satoshi (well maybe pool fees, but a 1% fee would be 10k coins tops over that time period).
Unless they control 100% of the miners they mine on that pool they ain't got it all.
PS: FPool has a 4% mining feel. Why the fuck anyone would mine there is beyond me unless it's straight PPS and even that would suck.
You have some more knowledge on mining and pools than me, i guess.
As mining was already beyond my scope when i entered 2017, i didn't feel the need to teach myself more than the most commonly known basics.
It's an open question where the guy got his proposed 1M corn from, along other open questions resulting from his statements.
We'll see answers to these questions, at least i hope so.