GME plummeted to ~$81.27 before rising back up again, now at $100. I saw some posts on WSB showing that this was observed during the Volkswagen short squeeze too. Could this be an indicator of anything, or just a dip?
They shouldn’t wait for that squeeze ever to happen, but demand delivery of the share certificates. That’s what will blow up this whole thing.
wsb more or less says the gme thang may take only few days and physical paper certs would take too long to send and cash out. so hold in electronic form at a broker to cash out post hast if needed.
most seem to be in for the fiat moneyz, not the paradigm shift that btc is. some will understand though.
The most that were in for the fiat money went out for cash (at profit or loss) or switched to the hyped stocks WSB didn't originally even ask to buy (SLV, BB, NOK...).
All the noobs made all the noob mistakes, completely opposed to what WSB advised them to do. Seems like the majority in the game are currently
1. diamond hands (either for the gains or hedge fonds revenge)
2. bag holders that hope to break even
3. institutions riding this wave
4. a small minority not covered in 1-3
I stayed. Same as with BTC. I am at quite a loss now, which i managed to minimize by watching pre-hours trend (-30% already at NYSE open), closed all positions but one share, waited until -30% hit on the market, re-bought with 1/3 of the liquidated amount, observed, re-bought with another third of fiat at -40%, and actually, because i had to leave the house, at -43% again. I will hold the 1 share position forever (this is for you, hedgies) and did not yet decide about the other positions.
Well, i think as long as the price tanks further, i will keep holding. It's not much money, especially when i look at the BTC net worth of mine, but i still had to give up or delay some spendings of my future private life. This is "play money", i don't expect anything in terms of return.
Overshorted hedgefunds can suck my lil boner in the form of my diamond handed GME shares.
I am in for the paradigm shift, the shares are my trophy, and my statement to them. I said from the beginning: Paper hands, GTFO! Let the real dudes continue with the game. One of the best i played in years, honestly.