Everyone says stupid shit from time to time. None of us are immune from the occasional moment of stupidity, his are just very public.
The fact is, he is changing the world the same way BTC is. You have to give him credit for that at the very least.
I'm with lightfoot on the open source thing though.
It's my ass being driven around,
I'd like to know what the driver is "thinking".
It will likely never happen though. I see two reasons off the top of my mind.
1. Keeping trade secrets. This could seem moot, given that actual production has a deep moat - high entry level, but think of copycat Chinese factories. Tesla knockoffs at 1/3 the price?
2. Regulation. This is much tougher. Once the car is smart enough to mind speed limits etc. for you, do you think traffic authorities will be keen to give up that level of control? Let you hack the "engine" at your will? Forget it.
I see your point, and I like the idea of Open Source, but I don't think you will be able to really
know what the driver is "thinking"... Having access to code does not mean one can easily understand it, especially if it's complex code. Sometimes I have difficulty understanding my own code, written maybe a year before. And my code is full of carefully written comments and documentation, so beautiful it's almost a work of art. But if it's very complex, it won't be so easy to run it in your head and understand it fully. Usually, Open Source relies on larger entities, like universities or research institutions, auditing and evaluating the code, which is OK, but you'll still be relying on others to tell you
what the driver is "thinking", to the best of their abilities...
IMHO, it's not likely to happen, for many reasons, some of which you've already outlined.
Yes, I have no hope to be able to understand the code in its entirety. A team of smart people, spread around the world, could manage to find bugs, make improvements etc., like most open source communities do. My hope to see what the driver is "thinking" didn't even extend to a communal/emerging understanding of such a huge, complicated OS.
Small improvements in the auto braking system... hacking the current flow to allow for smoother operation, or more powerful/uncontrollable acceleration... small things like that is what I had in mind. Not things like disregarding one way streets, traffic lights or zebra crossings.
However, I'll bet most of the higher level functions are based on deep learning, so access to the code without the huge training data is probably pointless.
One can dream though...