I'm not 100% in favor for this watch but still I do love traditional watches more over sports watches or apple watches or whatever ...
I wasn't referring to sports or Crapple watches. I was referring to the need for watches at all. Cellphones are pretty much de rigeur in today's world and every cellphone tells you the time, updated regularly.
The only use I see for wristwatches is for decoration and I don't wear jewelry or tattoos.
all i use my smartwatch for is for reminders (set on its calendar) and such. as being retired the only real reason i need to know the time/date anyway is for meds and MD visits lol.
and yeah phones tell the time. if you wanna dig it out of your pocket. but nothing beats smartly snapping your arm out and reading the time off your watch though. old school but satisfying anyway.
before smart watches and such, i always liked those old school LED watches (you know the ones you pressed the button and it lit the time up in red LEDs). they must still make retro models or have used ones for sale somewhere.
edit: pretty sure i messed the quotes up so took the names off. sorry