Does "save" here means to ignore the will of the majority, ignore decision of the judicial branch with the judges appointed by Trump, and in essence for loosing minority to commit a coup d'état while expecting the 81 million majority to idly stand by? Well, prepare to be disappointed.
More "redeem for valuable cash prizes"
All you really have to do is replace "middle-class white Trumper Supporters' with BLM protestors take over capital...and have the Democrats pull such a stunt
under Obama and the optics would be a "lot more' dire and we'd be looking at an 'over-reaction' vs the reality of this 'under-reaction' instead!
All will come out in History. Not like anyone in the Trump Administration will cover for this guy anymore. Indeed the amount of 'detailed' notes being
compiled for a 'tell-all books' of all of Trump's crimes are likely in the 'dozens' by now.
All will contain the line: "I stayed in the Trump Administration in order to safeguard his excesses, or it would have been worse!
In the 'electronic' age of 2021, it is gonna be 'damn hard' to cover up all this stuff..indeed it will be impossible. The whole Trump Administration is going to be
a lot worse of a mess than anyone, till now, has realized. What has come out so far is just the 'tip of the Iceberg" ...gonna be a rough winter of people
facing up to these facts as they come out.