Damn, a new ATH everyday, it really feels like 2017. There are differences, sure, and I hope it plays out differently.
are you even paying attention, aesma
(I am not trying to be patronizing or anything)?
We are not at the end of 2017.. early or middle at the latest..
So think about $1,163 as the previous ATH, so we kind of got stuck between $2k and $3k at around the times of the fork wars and some of the uncertainties around that in the summer.. which would be 2x to 3x the previous ATH.. so we are not even really at 2x of our previous ATH, yet... even though we are getting close...
Anyhow, there could be some corrections here or even getting stuck in a kind of battle in the 1.5x to 4x range.. and to figure out if there is going to be more UPpity from that point..
For sure, nothing is guaranteed, so it not like we should be banking on any kinds of results.. but your implying some kind of doom and gloom crash from here seems to be suggesting that you are comparing the end of 2017 as to where we happen to be now, which is far from the case, as I already mentioned..
And, I am not even saying that we might not crash from here and all bitcoin go to hell from here, but that is an outlier scenario rather than a variety of more likely scenarios that seem to put us in mid 2017 rather than late 2017 (or alternatively we could say early 2013 rather than late 2013 - pick your poison.. that ends up leading to UPpity in either case (and still not guaranteed, either).
26k€! My plan was to sell 10% at 30k€ but its going so fast lol. I was planning February/March. I dont even know if my bank will accept money from cryptos...
I would think that you should attempt to stick with whatever plan that you created, and don't get distracted by whatever is going on in terms of trying to time things.. blah blah blah..
do what you were going to do.. maybe tweak it a wee bit to feel more comfortable, but largely the presumption should be that you had already sufficiently thought through the various scenarios and your situation and reasonably arrived at your various selling points in terms of quantity to sell and what price to sell at.. of course, we cannot always get the time and the price right.. so just getting the price right and in about the correct ballpark should cause you to be able to largely follow through with whatever was your original plan.