How do we check that? Is anyone here currently playing with that kind of futures?
I think to remember it was @fillippone who sometime in the past tried to explain some of the nuances about it... maybe even there is a thread about that subject?
I have the feeling that maybe the time to learn more about it has come...
Ah! Yes,
There is more than a thread to check what is the forward price implied by futures markets and options:
Everything you wanted to know about BTC options but were afraid to ask!
Everything you wanted to know about BTC futures but were afraid to ask!
My suggestion, is also to check those forwards against the Stock to Flow price forecasted for end of 2021.
You can check it at
nice info!
small comments:
1. Deribit is for non-US, for US only LedgerX
2. The gap between bid and ask is huge on ledgerX, I am surprised anything gets traded at all.
3. ledger X options are not very convenient: for later months they are in a HUGE gaps (like 25, 50, 75, 100K)
4. digitalik does not have 'www',