First, Mnuchin & co. try to sneak in a rule (with actual power of law) to mandate disclosure of noncustodial wallets - that's the "your keys" part in "not your keys, not your coins". The personal wallets, d'oh. I reposted an invitation to comment while there's time. The time, by the way, is unusually short and goes against established practice and customs. Here's my appeal repost.
Then, all privacy coins get an unprecedented wave of delistings. Not only dubious stuff like zcash, but actual solid coins with a history of actual use. I'm talking Monero, my favorite altcoin personally.
I support kurious's idea of boycotting exchanges that delist legitimate coins without a reason. Were they really served with a gag order? We will likely never know, but the whole thing smells funny. I don't like it a bit.
Allow me a little rant?
TPTB are increasingly making things difficult for us 'plebs' to act freely and do as we please as we have been able to thus far.
Today, Bittrex just gave 14 days notice (they normally give 30) of de-listing privacy coins - including Monero, which is a top 20 market cap, and IMHO an honest traditional and respected POW coin.
You may not hold this coin of course, so you may think it doesn't matter. But it is the creeping march of an increasingly controlled market wishing to become all seeing and all-knowing, which will enable it to squeeze out what it cannot control; Like, well - you and me.
Just be aware that your right to any kind of privacy means nothing any more, unless of course you are a major institution engaging in their 'normal' institutional practice.
If we have any power it is surely to boycott exchanges that act against our interests. Exchanges like Bittrex should not be able to act against honest customers' buying preferences without some pushback. If you care - boycott Bittrex and don't let them do what they want with your Bitcoins, your shitcoins or your privacy.
In a few years, ordinary people like us won't be able to even participate in the market without accreditation at this rate.
Is that what we wanted, is that what Satoshi wanted? Is this it? I really hope not. But while we still have power (when exchanges want our coins) let's think about who we give our coins to, eh? Without our coins they are finished.
Let's not sleep through a total takeover of the market and a mission creep that is intended to gradually squeeze us out?
Fuck Bittrex.
+1 WOsMerit.
I wish I had some 'boring' smerits to give, but it's not that important. It's important that we act a little, at least to let somebody know we are not pleased with this state of affairs. One day we will be more influent, and we won't forget.