why? if he has more coin and later the price goes stratospheric it makes no real difference what the price was that he just sold at in the end. if you sold corn at whatever price and now have enough fiat (or whatever) for your immediate plans, plus spare corn for later, its future value increase will surely suffice.
unless youre just a pure greed kinda guy. nothing wrong with that i guess but its not my gig.
It's 99% playful needling: Bob was really tightly wound up about selling for awhile, wondering, waiting for the right time, then he finally blew his proverbial wad. With that much build up you have to kid him a bit about it for awhile :-)
And 1% caution: Many people sold out at particular levels: $1, $50, $600 (me, towels), $3,000, etc. In each case we received goods or services that now appear to be insane in terms of value against waiting.
It's not quite greed so much as wonder at what bitcoin might become: A true reserve currency. That's incredible when you think about it considering that it's "just numbers"and all that. But it's numbers that can be trusted and it doesn't matter if paypal or governments or anyone tries to create more of it out of thin air: 6.25 coins will be created every 10 minutes and not a satoshi more. Thinking about the ramifications of that, a money that can't be shaved or faked or undermined is stunning.
When I think of it that way, there is a part of me that whispers "you know, 20k is just $20 again".
And to be fair: You sell when you need to, just try to make sure the reasons were good. The towels were bought partially to show my highly skeptical partner that yes this tinkering I am doing CAN produce items of tangible value. The coins sold for the car bought me something that has brought a lot of fun and pleasure to my life at a point where I can still enjoy it. Buying a couple of gold coins with bitcoins was *stupid* but it also got at least one coin vendor to see their true value and potential.
So we do things when we do them. Sure Bob could have waited longer to bail his beau out of bondage, but that would mean less time spent as free men. Doing it while they are young allows them to enjoy the passing of time, which is one thing that we each have a set amount of in life, and like bitcoins all the hoping and praying and whining in the universe will not add one second to our time allotted on this earth or one more satoshi to be added to our wallets. Only actions have the potential to do that.
Guess the final word on this is "make it count" and "if you sell it do it to make your life better in the fixed time you have left". If what you sell for increases your life's length, health, quality, and/or enjoyment then it's probably a good deal.
Otherwise, HODL!