Just remember...there is a 'mysterious' never much mentioned 'magic' to Bitcoin...the more you have in HODL mode..the more 'lucky' you are to the oppisite sex and any
friends or relations there of. I mean, why could that be?
As a further example of such 'wierdness' say you have 1,000 BTC and you went home with your 19 year old girlfriend (like everyone has at my age of 65 years) and meet
her father and asked for marriage. For some reason, when the 'retired in BTC/Crypto comes up' and also the 'topic' of marriage comes up...even the Father..seems to
regard you in more favor..then you would expect. All due to the 'mystery' of the 'obvious' and 'magical properties' of Bitcoin. It is a mystery indeed! Likely, never
to be solved in my lifetime, but on the other hand, my fiance seems to be trying to F*ck me to death, but I'm sure I'm imagining things.
either you are lucid dreaming OR you are one horny "goat"...no offense, please.
hey, I'm just commenting on the fact that women seem to be attracted to HODL'ers lately for some 'unexplained' reason...it is 'befuddling' indeed!
Just remember...there is a 'mysterious' never much mentioned 'magic' to Bitcoin...the more you have in HODL mode..the more 'lucky' you are to the oppisite sex and any
friends or relations there of. I mean, why could that be?
As a further example of such 'wierdness' say you have 1,000 BTC and you went home with your 19 year old girlfriend (like everyone has at my age of 65 years) and meet
her father and asked for marriage. For some reason, when the 'retired in BTC/Crypto comes up' and also the 'topic' of marriage comes up...even the Father..seems to
regard you in more favor..then you would expect. All due to the 'mystery' of the 'obvious' and 'magical properties' of Bitcoin. It is a mystery indeed! Likely, never
to be solved in my lifetime, but on the other hand, my fiance seems to be trying to F*ck me to death, but I'm sure I'm imagining things.
WTF do you need a 19 year old for?
I am 63 I will be 64 in 2-3 months.
You could give me every coin back I ever handled in my profile wallet.
I think it is about 400 btc which is now over six million.
I would not be looking for a 19 year old.
I just find it 'befuddling' that all these women, young and old, have such a 'technical' vision of Bitcoin HODL'ers....and want to hang out with ...us long term
hodl'ers...must be some
kinda of 'glam' about Bitcoin....I don't get it...but then again....can't be the money right? That would be so disappointing...naw... must be they are just hot nerds!
It must be our technical 'charm' and wisdom, right? It can't be for the money, that would be too depressing. So if people can 'deny reality' on FOX news I'm gonna
continue to go with my pixie-dust/fairyland/unicorn-fart vision on such interest in HODL'ers by the opposite sex. If you don't believe in such a viewpoint, go to any
exotic dancer club, it is amazing how much they will talk to you about the properties of BTC and such. Ah, such wasted 'technical' nerd talent. It must be my 'sparkling'
self-imposed...never to be seen...locked in my house due to the Pandemic ...personality.
Anyway, have to run some Nigerian Prince is in trouble and needs me to hodl his $$$ and BTC private key for a 'modest' fee.
(Denial: 2020 how America copes with the pandemic)