It's gonna be tough for a lot of idealistic Bitcoiners to accept the fact that some of bitcoin's "layer 2" is gonna be built by people who do not share the cypherpunk ethos.
Thing is... that's really part of the ethos isn't it? I mean, who is not allowed in the pool?
This is why I have always sort of resisted the whole "fuck the banks" aspect... Central banks? Yes. But people like Paypal, Visa, Western Union, Wells Fargo? They are gonna play or get slaughtered. They will end up in.. as we are seeing happen. Bitcoin has to be strong enough to handle it.
The closest historical parallel I can find to the spread of Bitcoin is the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire.
At first some Christians were surely thinking fuck the Romans while others were seeing the inevitable spread of their ideology and the Roman Empire as the ultimate convert target.
Less than 400 years after Legio X Fretensis of the Imperial Roman army crucified Jesus, the Christian ideology had taken over the empire. Keep in mind this was during a time when
information couldn't travel faster than a horse's gallop. "Rome becomes Christian
In 313 CE, the emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which granted Christianity—as well as most other religions—legal status. While this was an important development in the history of Christianity, it was not a total replacement of traditional Roman beliefs with Christianity.
In 325, Constantine called the Council of Nicaea, which was a gathering of Christian leaders to determine the formal—or orthodox—beliefs of Christianity. The result of this council was the Nicene Creed, which laid out the agreed upon beliefs of the council.
In 380 CE, the emperor Theodosius issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made Christianity, specifically Nicene Christianity, the official religion of the Roman Empire. Most other Christian sects were deemed heretical, lost their legal status, and had their properties confiscated by the Roman state." find the last sentence to be one of the most important. If history repeats than
Bitcoin will become the global reserve currency and most altcoins will lose legal status and be confiscated by the Global Elites in their Bitcoin Citadels. I see
the Imperial Cabal of Central Banks as a sort of Financial Fascist Super-State that is the ripest and juiciest target for converting into our Hodler ideology.
Now that humanity has taken the horse gallop speed of information dissemination and increased it to the speed of light it seems logical for Bitcoin to become the Global Reserve currency in a few decades or less.