Maybe we shouldn't oughta know exactly how your mind works, Nullius.
Should, or could?
Nice pic. I almost didn’t get it; it took me awhile to puzzle out why the
anonymous, entomonymous forum-pest is holding the end of a marijuana joint. Oh, so is r0ach’s chosen namesake a used-up remainder of dope that transforms its users into grinning idiots? If so, my estimation of him is not improved.
Of course, I am aware that the word “roach” has divers meanings of diverse origins. It is even a respectable Norman surname; but I would not expect for a proud heir of such a fine Aryan name to render it in fluent l33t, and use it in that bastardized form as his Internet handle.
“r0ach” seems colloquial, especially whereas the recrudescent r0ach said that he’s a
real r0ach. Thus, my first impression was that he calls himself a cockroach. I presumed that he must be attempting some subtle irony, and quite failing to achieve it. When I first started reading his posts, replete with DS links, I nicknamed him
“the bug-man”. The impression was so strong that it was not until later that I considered potential alternative meanings. I didn’t even think of a weed-butt.
An extended essay is hereby cut for want of time to finish it. Perhaps some more opportune moment may arise—perhaps.Prior and potential future context:I always find it remarkable that in 1930s Germany, the ilk of Anglin and r0ach would have been arrested as asocial and sent a labour camp to be made useful. They come off as badly as if, by analogy, a Jew were to read Der Stürmer as a positive guide to Jewishness. My first intended WO post, never published, was actually begun as a reply to the aforesaid entomonymous cretin; therein, I described a conversation I once with an old Jew about the worst humiliation to Hitler being entomoid neo-Nazis.
Fact check: I am pretty sure that Hitler was downright fascist against drug abuse, and also that he disliked anthropoid vermin. LOL. Oh, and although Hitler was way too friendly with various yellow people, he would have called out the SS to crack down on Anglin’s racially destructive sexual fetish for Asian chicks—das ist verboten! Damn, neo-Nazis just can’t seem to get anything right. I think that if the Führer were to rise from the grave and behold their antics, he would promptly die of apoplexy. What an embarrassment.