Not upset.... people just amaze me from time to time....
Didn’t expect such from a fellow HODLer
... where mic doesn't even stop for introspection, and reconcile that his own shit stinks just as much as everyone else's.
Seems to me that mic does not even need to reconcile the extent to which his shit may or may not stink as much as anyone else's or comparatively speaking, except maybe some kind of pie in the sky requirement that a disingenuine diptwat like ur lil selfie proposes to be some kind of necessity..
Many members in this thread, including mic, seem to be ready and willing to work with you on a variety of your ongoing outrageous proclamations and sensitivities (seems a bit much to me, but who am I?), and that willingness to work with you is truly within their discretion rather than something that you even have the power to require.. so your own delusions of grandeur seem a bit problematic in these particular discussions... in my humble bumble opinion.
The reason I finally ignored you, is because I lost all respect for you after the "Fight Club" incident; not stopping to even consider my point of view for being so upset with everything, leading to the purging of my account back to taco-pleb status. "I'm having a hard time understanding bob right now and don't follow him".
I even forgot what the " 'fight club' incident" was - to the extent that such incident even matters... or that you, bob, actually have any kind of genuine and reasonable grievance..
I really doubt that you, bob, have any kind of genuine and reasonable grievance in terms of how you may have been treated on the interwebs or this thread because members here seem to roll over backwards to give you the benefit of the doubt on a lot of your ongoing outlandish sensitivities, but whatever all ears on the possible argument(s) regarding the framing of a potential genuine and reasonable grievance that you might have, bob.
Of course not ! You think about yourself, for the most part, and that's pretty fucking selfish and shallow behavior that I grew tired of.
To me, it seems normal for guys (and gal) to think of "themselves for the most part."
Seem to have zero emotional IQ.
You must be referring to empathy? Emotional IQ seems to be a kind of qualification that you could even hardly have any kind of grasp about what that is, at least if we were to go by your past actions as any kind of sign of what emotional IQ might mean in the feelings of bob.
What ? Just because I'm an OG-HODLer means I owe you some respect, or friendship... or something ?
That's true. OG HODLers do not necessarily have to form alliances.
Honey badger doesn't give a fuck about your feelings,
That's true, too.
and neither do I.
Only you can speak for your own feelings, to the extent that they are of interest to anyone else.
Fuck off, get your head out of your ass, and get over yourself.
Then maybe we can talk.
I doubt that very many people would be willing to accept your terms...or consider it worth it to jump through your unreasonable expectations. The only person who seems to be overly sensitive is you.
I keep hearing that deep, deep, deep on the inside bob is really a good person... blah blah blah...
I keep hearing that you're incapable of anything other than bloviating to the point of self-exhaustion.
You heard that from me? I doubt it. I think that you are just making shit up to fit some kind of internal narrative that you wish were true about the external world.
Regarding me, sure I have my moments... Some moments are good, and some are not so good.
Maybe at some point, you will be able to deal with some of your own personal moments? For example, you told us that you were going to go away for a while in order to recover from the level of stress that the interwebs (and especially this thread) was causing you.
Your currently being on the attack does not seem to be a very healthy form of recovery in terms of a person feeling control over his own environment and even mental situation, and part of any mental health would be NOT creating expectations over things that are outside of your control and communications on the interwebs seems to be one of those kinds of things that are outside of the control of any of us individuals, but hey, that is merely my opinion, man.