I consider btc as a savings account and alts as a checking/spending account.
I only invest single digits (in total) into alts, but sometimes they run up impressively.
Then they drop just as precipitously, so I try to take profits aggressively, mostly into fiat, with some going back into savings/btc.
BTW, this is the first cycle when multiple alts started going up exponentially before btc significantly appreciated (if you ignore the last summer "premature" bump).
You might be correct that we are bordering on a potentially slippery slope when attempting to assert whether the tail is actually wagging the dog and if so if this is the first time that such tail had happened to appear to wag the dog.
First, I believe it is way too early to even proclaim that there is some actual meaningful and lasting price breakout, whether we are talking about the tail or the dog or both... Sure, there seems to be a decent amount of short-term action, and a lot of fanfare, but will such short-term action lead to something that is sustained and meaningful?
Second, there have been plenty of times in which the tail had appeared to have been wagging the dog, previously, but then after taking a closer look, we found out that we had been looking at the situation from the wrong angle and what we thought that we had been seeing was not actually happening as we had previously mistakenly thought.
For now, I will hold my tongue, and sure of course, there could be some budding breakout that is taking place, until there is not.
Don't beg. It's not a good look. King daddy might decide to punish you.
I admit that I'm no armchair psychologist, but I am not sure whether you are in a good place, bob.