Having said that, there are some patterns that are remarkable and studied in the professional TA. Perhaps the most famous is the falling wedge pattern. It is clear that since the spike above 10200, we have a falling wedge. Your lines somehow miss this pattern. I don't understand how arbitrary lines should be preferred compared to the most common pattern in trading history. Anyway, the TA regarding the next move of the price pretty much is clueless. Half of the books/artciles predict a downard breakout and the other half an upward breakout. The only thing both agree is that the volume will be much higher. The other thing I partially agree with, is that it depends on whether we are in a bear or a bull market. If we are in a bull market started in March 12th and that will continue in the months and years to come, then the breakout should be upwards. It is almost equally possible however, that we are still in a longer bear market since July 2019 (or should I say since Jan 2018 with an interruption April-June 2019), so a breakout downards is equally possible.
Hey ivomm,
Of course, the price will never obey my TA. In other words, none can tell surly and 100% how the price should react even the best trader in the world. Because there is a difference between traders are predicts.
So generally, price action is just a science that examines the possibilities. Depends on how you use it.
Also regarding to chart patterns, it's a super huge world there are many geometric and fibonacci ratios we should check and if one number changes a little bit the whole pattern changes completely. Just to see how many chart patters do we have and how complicated they are you can check this page here: http://thepatternsite.com/chartpatterns.html
I usually won't consider patterns except for long and mid-term analyzes (That's just my style )
Edit: Oh sorry bud.. I didn't notice the joke part in the first place....
Thank you for sharing your toughs with me about the analyze. Apologize for the misunderstanding in the first place