So why the fuck did you just have to throw one more dig in there with that link?
A dig?
First off, I live there. Will have to teach some "live" classes in the fall, albeit reduced size. Mixed feelings at best.
Second: not sure if the guy who is twice hospitalized and who begs (almost crying): "please, put on a mask" is a dig at anyone.
Well, I put on mine and I don't bother anyone who does not.
After a while, I would stop doing so (wearing it). It's not a "new burka", just PPE.
Real friends don't talk about politics because doing so is bad for friendship.
Real friends don't take opinions personally and generally show empathy in understanding another's ideas especially when it conflicts with their own.
Good ideas...I know that some of my long term friends politics is different from mine and they are still my friends.
However, long debates on this would not be productive, so we minimize them in frequency and duration.
Albeit, if someone specifically says: "I want to discuss this", then we go at it, gingerely.