Max Keiser was good in the longterm predicting. But it seems that often his short and midterm predictions are used by whales to make the opposite direction. For example Max Keiser predicts 28.000 usd for bitcoin on the 2nd of September 2019. On that day bitcoin was around 10.400 usd. That was the first minor resistance according to W.O. price predictions. Bitcoin then reached W.O. major resistance between 10.750 and under 11k. After that bitcoin dropped to 6400 usd. After that btc went from 6400 to 10.400 again, it reached again that price of the 2nd september when he made his prediction for 28.000 usd. So that was literally the max price on the day he predicted. After that bitcoin crashed to 3700 usd. That was his Max price, maximum price by Max Keiser.
Whales like to troll sometimes. price dynamics and direction are much more complicated than what any one person or group of people proclaim it to be, and I continue to have difficulties understanding how there could be a narrow set of effects on BTC price in these times as bitcoin's liquidity continues to grow, including more and more entering of BIGGER and BIGGER players.
Bitcoin is much more grown up than a narrow set of explanations for its price moves. Recently, have you been conspiring with torque, perhaps?
Yeah, we saw a lot of interesting and sudden logic defying BTC price movements through out late 2019 including a 12 hour spike of about $3k from $7,200 to $10,200 on October 25, and then a subsequent one month draw down that brought the BTC price even lower than, $7,200 (down to $6,500-ish), and surely then our decent BTC price performance in early 2020 that brought BTC prices to $10,500 by early February and with the BIG fall of around 50% in a day to $3,850 on March 12.
Largely recovery since March 12, with a decent amount of bouncing between $8,500 and $10k and trying to figure out which way we might be going from here.. at least, likely more of a short term question rather than a longer term question.. though opinions will vary.
Neither max keiser nor his supposed trolls had anything to do with these late 2019 or early 2020 BTC price movements, or lack thereof (such as lack of going to $28k). That is pure distraction to suggest such narrow causations in BTC price performance (and perhaps even misinformation) when members come up with such lame-ass and narrow proclamations for BTC's price movements or lack of movements in these short term time-frames.