That's the gist of it.
I learned many years ago after going bankrupt (entirely my fault, young and stupid) you have to play the credit game
correctly and follow the mostly unwritten rules he spells out.
I did that and over the years since my bankruptcy my credit score is virtually perfect now... 830 or something. I don't really care tbh.
I only know that, not because I check it (I don't, that's bad for credit score) but when re-upping my last car lease,
the salesperson mentioned he never sees folks come in with perfect credit scores.
a while back at a bank they wanted to do a "financial wellness score." whatev. so one question was "what do you think your credit score is?" my answer: i dont care. they were kinda put off.. like what if you need a loan. i told them i will pay cash for whatever i need a loan for. as i DONT do debt.
they were not really impressed. kept telling me i may need it. i just told them i dont play that game any more. i live within my means and plan accordingly.