There is no option for rebuying in the inevitable post bull crash. I will sell half (again) but will rebuy (again) in the depths of the inevitable winter.
The goal sooner or later is to pass the last ATH, until this happens it would be very cautious.
I’m 85%
BTC, 15% USD. The only real question over the next 18 months is when to convert the remaining USD to
I probably would not be the right person to ask on this topic. Remember when we went up to $20k, my cash probably got only into the 12% arena (so 88% BTC at the top), and on the dips to $3,124 and subsequently to $3,850, I was probably in the neighborhood of 1% or maybe I was too chicken and I kept about 1.5%.
Currently, I am about 3.5% for cash, so you are causing me to consider that maybe I am doing something that causes me NOT to sell enough BTC.. but then I have been continuingly wanting to prepare for up.. and to error on the side of overly HODL.
In other words, I am hardly ever keeping enough cash, yet even when I got to 12% (at the top of the 2017 run), I was feeling like I had way too much cash in my various accounts...
It's like a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Yet, sometimes I think that I might not be playing around enough with changing my percentages at various price locations.. because I feel better sleeping in bitcoin... for some reason.
Possibly a way to adjust this could be to start shaving off a bit higher amounts of dollars from selling BTC after we get above $30k-ish... I will consider this idea in the coming months (or maybe I will just procrastinate to see how some of these price matters play out and just work with the idea of selling a bit more in a more spontaneous kind of way... let's say in the supra $60k arena - assuming that there are decent odds to get there).. ..
I have already seen that the dollar value really does start to add up, just with the mediocre and ongoing incremental sales, and I just hate having so many dollars just sitting idle, even though we have seen that they can come in quite handy 6 - 12 months after we start to realize that we are in a prolonged correction, considering that it might happen similarly in the future.
There is no option for rebuying in the inevitable post bull crash. I will sell half (again) but will rebuy (again) in the depths of the inevitable winter.
The goal sooner or later is to pass the last ATH, until this happens it would be very cautious.
I’m 85%
BTC, 15% USD. The only real question over the next 18 months is when to convert the remaining USD to
BTCThe right amount to maintain your current standard of living.
I am thinking that Hairy might already have his standard of living already worked out with other cash that he has in other places, and figuring out when and how to play around with the 15% is merely just trying to figure out a kind of sound and comfortable strategy about when the BTC price is surely going up.,. without the dramatic corrections and/or uncertain periods of sideways (which are really just threats of continued down corrections).
In other words, first world problems of already having more money than he really needs... hahahahahaha