Well, I don't want to come off as lazy, so I will up the ante to 95%.
That should cover the folks buying boats and RVs instead of solar panels and farmland.
One big problem in this country (and probably capitalism in general) is the tendency to get into a queen's race on specialization. See, having solar panels and batteries and farmland costs money, ties up capital that could otherwise be invested in spaceships, and consumes money in an ongoing manner to maintain things.
If you go 100% specialization you don't have to pay those costs for things you probably aren't going to use. And since everyone is trying to buy the same house and truck and whatnot, those who are more generalists have less money and wind up being outbid by the people who ride on the edge.
This was happening in 2006-2008: You couldn't buy a truck without every fucking lardass option on the planet. Because vendors made a lot of money on the options, and you with your 10,000 for a truck were sitting in a room with people who would borrow 30,000 for a truck. So as a manufacturer would you build me a 10k truck, or would you build a 30k truck to the rotting debtor next to me?
Especially if you could finance the loan and make that extra 8-10% interest? Hell finance to a complete rotter and get 15% interest. Even better, hide or sell off any losses in "tranches" and book even higher profits.
This is a case of "bad money driving out good". I could no longer get a new truck for the money I had, and I wasn't going to get on the queen's race treadmill to afford a fucking rolling palace that would break down anyway. So I bought used, and dealt with the maintenance myself. Most people who are 100% specialized can't do that.
How do you fix this? Well you could use a government to limit access to easy credit but that's EVIL! You could force companies to build basic trucks but that is SOCIALISM! You could have a Govt that caps vendors also doing financing but that's BAD!
You could just let people pay the price but it can take years and when it happens then you have starving people in the streets and a lot of bodies to dispose of. People flinch at that so you get these fucking bailouts.
Not saying you're wrong, I think everyone should prepare. But most people consider it a choice as opposed to an obligation (Mormons excluded) and that leads to people chasing goods with all their money.