Possibly. The interesting thing about the bubble is the money never really existed anyway. It was just fake virtual "money" backed by nothing and disssolves in a puff of wind.
or it was the fastest money you could turn over in a real black swan emergency to fill your 'likely everyone's" empty emergency fund!
So what MAY happen now is after the fed continues to pour money into this? (the pundits say on Monday's dump of cash will be $2.5 Trillion USD in less than a week)
and the rest of the world doing the same. You may see less than enlightened despot type countries pull the same thing as Cyprus in 2013 and India.
Limit cash withdrawals in developing countries..can't move your money out...those same countries printing money in mass as well, etc, etc.
Inflation comes back, you know the saying if the USA has a recession the rest of the world has a depression..or at least in the developing countries.
So, you can't print this much $$$ needed or not and have or continue the massive tax cuts, etc in play in the USA and of course don't forget MORE qualitative easing
(printing $$) outside of just helping wall street. This will indeed be the year, 2020 when we find out if BTC/Crypto IS just a speculative asset like all the rest and will
take years to recover from or that BTC/Crypto does have the 'chops' to act, even in a limited way, as a store of value as everything hits the skids.
we will see I guess..but why I'm still HODL'ing (then again I'm boring and old in 15-20 years likely will be drag'd off to the nursing home..so what do I care in the long run)
make your own decisions...but with age and the pandemic if BTC goes beanie baby it does not even make the top 3 of crap things I don't want to happen.
see..grumpy old man powers do have their uses
You, brad, seem a bit inclined to do a "mindrust," and probably you should have shaved off a tiny bit of insurance (or "feeling better" money) in the $8,500 to $10,500 price range, instead of waiting for $11,111.11. We can never know and we cannot really time the tops, but it seems that you are just way too damned over-invested for your own psychological state....
Alternatively, if you shave a little off in the lower $5ks, you will be less inclined to panic "shave-off" if we end up revisiting $3,124-ish, which may even be approaching 50% odds, at the moment... Surely, the odds for revisiting $3,124-ish have increased in the past week or so, but I have a hard time, currently, placing those odds at greater than 50%, even though I am having my doubts, too about my own perception of what are reasonable assignment odds, currently.
My personal plan remains to continue to buy on the way down, and I currently have buy orders set down to the lower $3ks - and those buy orders would fill in any kind of flash-crash, quickie correction and currently, I am contemplating whether I need to inject a bit more dollars into "active" status to set such currently existing buy orders to a bit lower amounts.. I am NOT wanting any of those downward price moves to become true.. but now, as I type, we are in a kind of reasonable striking distance of such target testings of buy support, and surely there are k-niving and scheming bearwhales (and likely even fractional reserve cheaters) who would like to attempt to inspire more and more losses in confidence in BTC in order to be able to shake a few more weak hands... so, you, brad, might want to be shaken at a time of your own choosing rather than being cornered into a "mindrust-like bust".
tmYou will thank me later (perhaps?) unless the BTC price goes up from here, then you are going to be pissed off at me, even though I do not deserve blame for your ongoingly seemingly wannabe shakeable psychological state.