Italy has a 3.5% mortality rate with one of the best health systems in the world. It’s not the fucking flu.
Dude. 15113 infected, 1016 deaths, 1258 recovered. That's either 45% or 27% depending how you prefer to calculate it. Yeah, not the fucking flu.
I agree with HM that its not a common thing atm, I think it will be a common thing in the future and people will be waaaaaay more relaxed when a vaccin is out for easy buying
Viruses mutate. An effective vaccine is highly unlikely.
If the idea is there already that there is a vaccin is already enough, alright later on the virus will mutate, but now when it’s contained they will keep working for new vaccines and not like when SARS was contained to stop working on it...
Problem is that the powerful players ('big pharma') are not the slightest interested in developing a vaccine due to lacking financial incentives. Why bother developing a vaccine to be sold for a few bucks the shot when you can sell cancer therapies that cost mio's each shot. All the successful big players sold their vaccine research years ago as no good profit is expected there.
Also by the time they would come up with a vaccine, the flu could be gone already (at least in public perception) and the money spent for nothing as once the fear and panic wears off nobody will buy that vaccine. Other diseases are more certain to stay and give good profits (i.e. cancer, alzheimer etc.).
i strongly disagree with you.
it is not the role of pharma industry to have an interest in developing something, they have strong incentives, but also strong controls and high costs, from government to put a drug or vaccine on the market.
They have to earn money to remain alive and progressive.
if they find an opportunity (a potential market) they will compete and develop.
rather it shows a failure of public health in most govs, especially western ones .
In 2003-2004 in france,sarkosy got afraid by a potential pandemy coming from china through his councilors, and research was done, with high expenses, and at least public health servants received the first mandatory coronavirus vaccine.
however that pandemy did not occur, and sarkosy was accused for useless expenses.
we have no news for this vaccine, it was abandoned without publicity.
then there were Sars and Mers who were new deadly coronavirus diseases, but pandemy did not occur, and recently an american searcher said to the congress that he had after sars an mers a potential vaccine ready, but could not find any financial support to develop it ; he is not the only one probably.
so the present pandemy is at least the fourth potential one, from the same virus family, event if differences may exist as in flu epidemies.
no gov and no collection of govs of any sort has made the necessary financial incitation to lessen this danger, and warrant research and potential market use.