Wait. What happens if miners decide to stop mining because its currently not worth it?
Death spiral.
At these prices MAYBE Bitmain and Innsilicon COULD MAYBE mine at less 4c electric and they got the miners to themselves at cost
after halving.
But, they could very well be the pow network left standing for ASIC pow coins of any flavor
I'll bet my own money right now that Bitcoin Core developers would make Bitcoin a POS coin first before allowing that to happen.
Bitcoin as of now is dropping where the stock market would like to crash too, as well, the only difference is the so-called stock market circuit breakers
kicking in. Also, this is with 1,300 cases in the USA just wait till all the states are looking like polka dots like Oregon.
Again, I expect a 40% hit on the stock market and 60% on BTC/crypto.
I see no path out here. Tis a complete 'miner capitulation' for ASIC miners IMHO because of halvnig..that's all she wrote boys and girls.