Personally, I like to consider $2million to be pretty damned close to twice as much as $1million, and really, if we are considering how much money we need to survive or to say fuck you, there can be a pretty BIG ass difference between $2million and $1million.
In the spirit of good Bull Season fun and Thursday.
via Imgflip Meme Generator
In the spirit of lambie's childish focal obsession on dumb / trivial shit.
Good one, but you might consider that JJG is actually ahead in his thinking.
2 million, minus a few skimmed thousand - for any reason (lets call them fees) - makes it close, but not quite.
Blah, it was a typo glitch in the algo.
The algo doesn't like to get caught up in too much rigidity, and from time to time, enjoys having lil funzies.