you do NOT have any kind of superior claim because you decided to earn your BTC for free with your time
Yes I do..
Built over bought baby..
That's a purely subjective way of framing matters.
Good luck with that nonsensical "me-oriented" view that is likely handicapping you in a variety of ways, probably not exclusively in terms of your seemingly puny BTC stash that could have been much greater and put in you a much better financial position had you not been so fucking ongoingly self-sabotaging, seemingly unwittingly, but perhaps wittingly after your ongoing level of demonstrated stubborness in respect to this point.
I had nearly 30 years to build capital before transitioning that value into bitcoin
I'm not even that old, lol..
And, it appears that you may NOT be in very good shape by the time you get to be this old.. .. Sometimes you will run out of options by the time you get into your 30s in order to get your shit together, so hopefully, you will figure things out, at some point.
And you want to compare stacks got via different methods with me when you have 20+ years of stacking time on me??
I am not trying to compare current stacks nor am I trying to compare my 20+ year old younger me to you, so you may be misreading intention or even message. Seems that I have merely been attempting to talk about methodologies (and maybe even best practices) that should be helpful to people to apply to their bitcoin stacking and accumulating strategies.
This is not just about you, because I could give less than two shits about your seemingly know-it-all stubborn ass.
Sheiiit bro, I'll be set in 10 years if I just HODL the BTC I made for free..
That might be true. I don't really know your details, and ultimately you have to decide for yourself whether what you do is working or if you need to tweak your strategy in any meaningful and/or significant ways.
You are the fucking person who is bragging about 14,000% returns
That was only my first winter trading season.. Small numbers build fastest though..
Then it's a BIG SO WHAT, right? If you cannot replicate results, then what is the purpose of describing, unless you are just describing what happened and properly putting the matter in context.
I will concede that sometimes any of us might get into a position in which we might get lucky with x strategy or y strategy, and even deciding to play around a bit with our stack.. or even make a mistake and go 80x when we meant to go 8x, but end up making out like a bandit... ask golden fat-thumbed boyking about that.
I could give less than two shits about trading small amounts of BTC and chasing small profits
Lots of small profits stack satoshis over time.. I am the SatSnatcher.. On the exchange, all your satoshis is belong to me!
I will admit that when I first started my swing trading robot-like system at about $250, I was trading very small price increments and very small amounts with very small profits on a regular basis in order to learn how to do it and to see how my system would play out with the passage of time and with the movement of BTC prices. Many people told me that I was wasting my time with such small amounts and even frequent trading, but I was using those early stages as a way to learn and to increase my amounts that was traded and my spreads with the passage of time and as BTC's price was presumed to increase with the passage of time (which ended up working out, as we likely realize).. So, in essence, my strategy was to employ the trading as a means to insure myself from downside volatily, while at the same time largely emphasizing the stacking and accumulating of BTC.. even while I considered my portfolio to have been already stacked somewhat on the side of overinvestment in BTC... therefore, I did not mind skimming off small amounts of BTC as the price went up and presumably to continue to do so.. which has been working out great, so far...
"I could give less than two shits about" investing $20 a week..
Well, looks like you are purposefully missing the point, which I had attempted to clarify a few times already. You might need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills if you think that I am merely talking about $20 a week, because like I said I was attempting to tailorize my suggestion to you, somewhat, but since you are engaging in ongoing disingenuous interaction, there really seems to be little to no need to really attempt to continue to help you in that direction because you are neither engaging with the power of such DCA strategies and you seem to be somewhat hostile to discussing them, which might not work for you anyhow, since you might not have the patience for the employment of an actual long term strategy that actually increases the odds of you becoming wealthy in the long run in terms of preserving some amounts of your wealth, to the extent that you have any.
I can't even bring myself to give enough shits to make that amount on a signature deal..
I did a few signature campaigns for a couple of years, and I supposed I had earned a few BTC through that before I decided to just stop with it. Some of the signature campaigns were seeming to become a lot more petty about a variety of things, and it seemed that I was spending a bit too much time trying to figure out if I was getting paid properly and there was some stress in just wonder whether I was going to get paid... so I can understand why you might not be interested in a signature campaign... On the other hand, you seem to be pretty young and you don't really seem to have very many BTC from what I can gather, so a signature campaign might work for you... but surely that is up to you to figure out how much it is worth it...
DCA is no where near a signature campaign, especially if you figure out various ways to employ it to your advantage... can be quite a powerful tool and even supplement any trading strategy that you might decide to employ in the future.
I am hostile
You have previously proclaimed yourself to be no friend of mine, so that's probably enough replying to you..
I have nothing against you, and I don't tend to hold grudges, unless you start to become too retarded in regards to some of your interactions. In other words, I am more than willing to work through differences of opinions, as long as there is some basis for me to understand that the other person is at least trying to genuinely grapple with actual issues rather than just making shit up. So we will see. I have not given up on you yet, even though I agree that we might be getting into a bit of too much repetition on this particular topic....
Observing nonsense under 10k..
My halving price prediction of 13XXX feels perty gerd..
Maybe. We have already had about a 60% price appreciation since mid-December, so can be difficult to know whether the UPPITY is going to continue.. or at least how far it could go before we get some meaningful correction(s).