Observing over $9k
And I am seriously legging behind all these pages:
Where is JS? 😉
For you, Hueristic and chinkyeys ( if he comes online)
1. Dude smoking joint and having beer. - Be careful with OPSEC-
2. Some monero fans here - My bags are full-
3. Glabbo " JJG you are just a massive cock" and JJG replies "Glabbo turning into a Monero shill"
4. v8 back after 2 weeks.
5. Kobe Bryant died in helicopter accident- Never heard about this Athelete before-
6. coronavirus
7. Searing sold the bottom - You are not idiot dude, shit happens sometimes-
8. AlcohodL " I am not racist BUT.." - Yeah bro, you are not BUT -
9. Jojo raises his hand " #Metoo "
10. lightfoot replies with Good points - i would add India in this list as well-
----Note - JJg can respond quickly only if.....---
11. Bob proposing BTC pool and buy Madagascar together.
12. More on coronavirus... China China China
13.Everything you want to know about Source of coronavirus
14. julian071 bought ducati with corn and now planning to sell house.
15. Raja bought Honda Civic with BTC and now _looks at the car_Oh shit_ Fuck me.
16. Lauda should post here more. he sounds good when he's not sending tag
17. Guide to kill your parter
18. VB1001 New Hero