you have no fear that CSWs insane mind will finish its decent into lunacy and utterly destroying whatever you think bsv is?
No. Users are not forced to accept new versions of SW. Anyone is free to continue using the previously existing version. This nullifies any threat.
Of course, it is likely that nChain is a significant miner, which does lead to some exposure in this regard. But
Craig does not hold exclusive chains of power in that organization, and others there are not suicidal. So, somewhat mitigated.
does csw know about this?
he would most likely sue them and take his own devs to court if they ignore his decisions. or split from bsv if they dont listen. just extrapolating this on observed past behavior.
anyway as you say they dont have to follow so it will be intersting as to how long bsv puts up with him.
Seems like the writing is on the wall, CSW becoming a toxic liability and the new BSv directive is to pivot and try to separate BSv from CSW, shills are out in force trying to push this. We should all support CSW in his efforts to sue Ayre for libel. BOSSv (Bitcoin Original Satoshi Super Vision) sounds better too.
Where do you get this tripe?
Great. Yet none of the above supports your claim that
"CSW becoming a toxic liability and the new BSv directive is to pivot and try to separate BSv from CSW". Nor that "shills are out in force trying to push this". Why don't we focus on your claim before diverting to an entirely different topic?
Ayre (the person who pretty much owns Faketoshi) is just a single person in BSv world?
Again -
none of your Ayre quotes support the assertion that there is a pivot to 'unseat' Craig by the 'BSV powers that be'.
IOW you are
completely misrepresenting the scant 'evidence' you presume to be bringing forth.
The main dude that's bankrolling the whole BSv clown show, owns CSW with all his patents etc..literally went from saying that if you think Craig is not Satoshi you're a scammer, to you shouldn't be supporting BSv because of CSW. Well, like i said "13 out of 14 kindergartners can spot a pivot (one ate his crayon), but can jbreher??" guess the answer is no to that. You're too smart to claim that you're in denial, so you must be shilling
That's not a pivot. That is merely pointing out that if your focus is on Craig, rather than the protocol itself,
u r doing it rong.
As I've been saying for, like,
years now.
Damn bear did you go full retard, does everyone at BSv think that we're all stupid?? Ayre's whole online presence is nothing but an altar to Faketoshi
We look forward to working with Craig and others to ensure his original vision is recognized as Bitcoin and is realized through BSV SV price soars on Craig Wright’s Bitcoin copyright approval
As more court cases get settled in Wright’s favor, and the real decision makers of the world recognize what he’s built in his vision for Bitcoin, expect BSV to continue to soar. Craig Wright brings his vision of freedom to Expo-Bitcoin International 2019 Craig in full war mode for this interview. In spite of the ranting, he is correct and supported by the majority of miners and #SatoshiVision will become the future of #Bitcoin.
12/11/2018 - is poised to show the world what it can really do now that Bitcoin SV is back and solid. this piece by Craig is only the start of what CoinGeek has planned for us and our friends like nChain.
23/11/2018 - also makes these points|: Craig is leading this space vision wise with metanet. nChain is a powerhouse with its patents BSV is the only place this stuff is able to be used. BSV is the original bitcoin and scales.
05/01/2019 - its nice to see Craig admit that #Bitcoin BSV was invented from the gambling industry not as as a reaction to the financial collapse of 2009. Go Gambling! :-)
09/02/2019 - has patents and the Trolls have shite :-)
16/02/2019 - invented real #Bitcoin #BSV...he did not invent Segwit BTC which is what he is calling a Ponzi and it is like that with its hodler culture and no utility. Are these guys really that stupid?
16/03/2019 - has proven to me beyond a doubt numerous different ways that he was the central architect of original #Bitcoin which is now only #BitcoinSV (#BSV). Every-person who is saying he is a fraud is in fact trying to defraud Craig and the world of this truth.
08/04/2019 - is in essence an ICO scam lord and a Craig Troll fraudster. He is scared because he knows Craig invented Bitcoin and will now wipe out Eth with #BSV...if this is not true why does he froth on about Craig all the time?
08/04/2019 - GB blocks anyone...only on Bitcoin SV, invented by Dr Craig Wright!
17/04/2019 - you go....recent interview I did here in London. Craig has proven that he was right about original #Bitcoin Scaling. Craig invented Bitcoin SV and its the best technology out there :-)
18/04/2019 - is the real reason Binance and Roger Ver's Kraken exchange are delisting. BSV is an existential threat to platforms that don't scale now that Craig has proven it scales.
18/04/2019 - Craig Wright has done nothing but good for this industry...he created it and is still the leading innovator....he has even left social media but is still being victimised there.
19/04/2019 - of a scammer is anyone trying to fool you into thinking Craig is not the most knowledgable in this industry....that sorts them out with one issue as everyone attacking Craig is involved in a Scam and Craig is only inventing technology that kills these scams...simple.
22/04/2019 - you heard it here first....everyone calling Craig a Fraud will be proven to be involved in some kind of criminal activity that is threatened by his true legacy becoming common knowledge.
04/05/2019 - have nothing more to add but that everyone saying Craig is a Fraud will be found involved in criminal activity.
05/05/2019 - and real #Bitcoin #BSV is the only platform that has a business model that saves mining as we know it since it scales to allow enough transactions for the fees to make up for the lost of revenues from the halving. This was how Craig designed it.
07/05/2019 - evidence out there..with law suits already filed..ask yourself why are these guys doubling down on liable? It's clearly because of the magnitude of the criminal fraud scams they are involved in. Everyone calling Craig a fraud is in fact part of a criminal Fraud themselves.
08/05/2019 - doubled on Craig's copyright news. This is only the start of him proving BSV is the only #Bitcoin. Now is a great time to convert all your other shite coins to Bitcoin :-)
21/05/2019 - in court I mean...I will do weekly summaries of these cases every week or so on CoinGeek. None of them has engaged as I expected...all guys trolling Craig are scammers especially including everyone he is suing. The fraud against the father of our industry must stop.
24/05/2019 - of the creativity is now happening on real #Bitcoin #BSV now that Dr Craig Wright has re-created it.
30/05/2019 - not believe anything conflicted Craig deniers are saying. Craig invented #Bitcoin and is reinventing it again as #BSV. there is more than enough evidence out there to make this clear and the deniers all know #CraigisSatoshi, they don't want you to know.
09/07/2019 - be fair...Craig has not turned against #Bitcoin as he invented it. He is reinventing it as #BSV. He is against the abomination altcoin that BTC has turned into that it still inaccurately and fraudulently using the Bitcoin name.
23/08/2019 - is just so pathetic....#Eth just has no clue what they are doing at any level. But they do know that they don't know how to scale and Craig does.
19/09/2019 - invents #SPV, put it in the white paper, the morons at Core did not understand it, so 10 years later he recreates original #Bitcoin as #BSV, files a bunch of patents for it, then explains how it all works now only on BSV. Epic stupidity.
10/10/2019 - the way...all the posts Bitmex made about Craig have already been proven false or will be when Craig gets his day in court in the UK. I wonder what criminal activies they are involved with that is threatened by Craigs vision?
14/10/2019 - #CraigisSatoshi and #BSV is #Bitcoin and they both won already. There is no path to victory for other platforms, Craig has them all blocked.
12/11/2019 - and BSV have already won...there is NO legitimate path to any other chain being able to scale that anyone I have hear has. They have eithor trapped themselves with bad technical decisions or Craig has patented the path. Enjoy the BSV application wars...they be fun :-)
14/11/2019 - look at nChains patent portfolio and ask yourself who could doubt #CraigisSatoshi. And its a lie to say most doubt this as all the scammers attacking Craig do it because they know he is Satoshi and this threatens their scams:
21/11/2019 -'s patent portofolio make it impossible for other block chains to follow his invention of original #Bitcoin #BSV. all critical to scaling ones are open only on BSV. its the ONLY place you can build applications to scale.
21/11/2019 - had an army of specialists comb through the science, the business model and Craig and #Bitcoins history. After this I have invested well over Euro 100 M in the original #Bitcoin #BSV ecosystem. How much research or investment have trolls like McCormach and so many others done?
30/11/2019 - 2020, Craig will take over with BSV. He has not made public his plan yet, but he has one.
15/12/2019 - winner of the year is Craig, he proved original #Bitcoin, now #BSV, is the worlds top utility platform just as he promised.
31/12/2019 - all. This is all about the tech and in that area, Craig has been all right and is kicking everyones ass. Remember, the market price is influenced by all the intentional FUD these same morons are spreading and market manipulation by crime exchanges.
01/01/2020 - my opinion that one of the groups I am in discussions with had the light bulb moment and came in with $50M to get a position in the tokens before announcing their project. However this is just my best guess. Its not caused by Craig winning all his appeals recently.
11/01/2020 - lost the second I decided to back Craig as their road map does not compare to Craigs.
14/01/2020 - after saying all that now "pointing out that if your focus is on Craig, rather than the protocol itself, u r doing it rong." is not a pivot? Will you have to pay them back and get sued if you admit that BSv is retarded? Is that why you must continue making an ass out of yourself by arguing this down to absurdity? At this stage you left with only two options: to claim that you don't know what "pivot" means or
Check and mate