I will be angry if we go below $8,000 now because I made a significant buy last night.
I know 1BTC is 1BTC but always nice to get them cheaper.
Oh shit!!!!
LFC following mindrust too much, and got swayed towards quasi-"all in".... overleveraged in the short-term.
What u gonna do? (that's a rhetorical question)
By the way, on a personal level, I had about 5 buy orders that were clustered in the supra $8k arena, and so far only one out of the five of them has filled...... and that one order was filled like around two days ago, already. So yeah, it can sometimes take a while to figure out whether the DOWN before UP is over or if such DOWN before UP is going to continue for a while longer.
I don't really care too much about if those additional orders fill or NOT, but anyone who has experience in setting buy and sell orders will sometimes recognize some of the frustration in letting the price come to their order rather than market buying/selling or changing sentiment in regards to "what to do." So, currently, there is a bit of frustration with myself when I see that I have a bit of a cluster of orders that are pretty damned close to getting filled, but then they have not yet filled... .. yet even with that minor frustration, I don't feel any burning inclination to tweak my short term strategy or to tweak my orders in order to cause them to fill more easily (even if such tweaking would not likely make any kind of meaningful difference overall, it is kind of the principle of the matter for me to attempt to practice what I preach in terms of attempting to employ patience with the whole matter).
So, yeah, even when trying to set BTC buy/sell orders in a kind of emotionally neutral manner, when the BTC price come within a few dollars of filling (and sometimes even within a few cents of filling), but then such orders do NOT fill, there can be a bit of baby-level frustration in that, even though the original intention had been to set the orders in such a way that was meant to be MOSTLY emotional neutral.