I think we can agree that bulls AND bears are exhausted.
Huh? I think we might agree that bears might be getting tired... and your lil admission about your current level of tired and your attempt to project exhaustion onto the bulls might be more revealing upon the situation of the bears rather than the bulls, maybe? Perhaps?
From my armchair perspective, I cannot really know if the beartards are running out of fuel..
I cannot be that presumptuous to know short-term readiness, willingness or abilities of bears to pump more value into trying to drive BTC's prices down - which surely they will do it if they can; however, from time to time, since about April 1, we have been witnessing these little bitcoin UPspurts here and there
(hint look at the price charts for the past year-ish - and maybe even longer for context), providing us bitcoin HODLers signs of bitcoin life and strength, for those HODLers who are ready, willing and able to recognize and appreciate such seemingly ongoing bitcoin
POWER signs.
Accordingly, we
just had a nice lil $1,600-ish / 5 day-ish pumpening of our lil product (aka good ole lil buddy) culminating to about $8,463.60 - slight more than a day or so ago...
That lil UPPITY situation did NOT feel at all exhausting, for yours truly (and can I speak for other HODLers? Perhaps? Not exhausting...)...
The past few days, may have been a wee bit exhausting for a few beartards? Especially the dumbass beartards who thought that the lopsided longs on Bitfinex (or does bitmex count too?) "guaranteed" them some kind of DOWN movement rather than UP....
Poor lil tinglies.. BTC prices did not go their way.
For me, that lil UP bumpening
felt pretty yummy over those recent 5-ish days.. and seeing a few bear shorteners getting their down bets REKKT along the way during such processenings..
Even if not quite half of the UP has been closed to retraced as I type (in the last 6 hours, largely bouncing between about $7,750 and $7,850), I don't mind. Even if most or all of the UP progress ends up getting retraced, so what... ? Not feeling like an exhausting situation, but instead feeling like a possible buying opportunity (or alternatively a HODLing rather than selling situation).. for those who can appreciate it.
Ultimately, we still seem to be in a bull-leaning market.
You will thank me later, for pointing out these lil recent-historical minor perspective matters to you, bear wannabe..
never read so many stupid words in a row.
look at the data.
run the numbers.